Two-photon polymerization fabrication and Raman spectroscopy research of SU-8 photoresist using the

来源 :Optoelectronics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuliner
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In this work, a two-photon polymerization(2PP) processing device was built using the femtosecond laser, and femtosecond laser direct writing was performed on SU-8 photoresist. Due to the 2PP effect of the photoresist caused by the femtosecond laser, the polymeric line with size less than the focal spot size is obtained. Based on the Raman spectroscopy characterization of SU-8 polymer before and after 2PP, we research the dynamic process of femtosecond laser induced 2PP. In Raman spectra, some scattering peaks with large intensity variation, such as 1 108 cm~(-1) and 1 183 cm~(-1), indicate that the asymmetric stretching vibration of C-O-C bond in SU-8 polymer is increased. By comparison, we can find that 2PP only affects the light absorption of initiator, but does not affect the monomer polymerization. It is helpful to understand the interaction of photoresist and femtosecond laser, and plays an important role in quantitatively controlling the polymerization degree of SU-8 polymer and improving the processing resolution of 2PP. In this work, a two-photon polymerization (2PP) processing device was built using the femtosecond laser, and femtosecond laser direct writing was performed on SU-8 photoresist. Due to the 2PP effect of the photoresist caused by the femtosecond laser, the polymeric Based on the Raman spectroscopy characterization of SU-8 polymer before and after 2PP, we research the dynamic process of femtosecond laser induced 2PP. In Raman spectra, some scattering peaks with large intensity variation , such as 1 108 cm -1 and 1 183 cm -1, indicate that the asymmetric stretching vibration of COC bond in SU-8 polymer is increased. By comparison, we can find that 2PP only affects the light absorption of initiator, but does not affect the monomer polymerization. It is helpful to understand the interaction of photoresist and femtosecond laser, and plays an important role in quantitatively controlling the polymerization degree of SU-8 polymer and improving the processing resolution of 2PP.
《人民日报》(一九八二年四月二日)发表冯定题为《用马克思主义世界观武装一代新人》的文章,赞扬中国青年出版社新近出版的这本通俗著作。  文章说,十年动乱使得马克思主义哲学受到空前的糟蹋,真伪难辨。我们要在群众中,特别是在青年中进行教育,把真马克思主义和假马克思主义的区别阐述清楚,正确地通俗地进行马克思主义哲学的宣传。我们还看到,有些干部在新情况新事物面前,仍然用孤立的、片面的、静止的观点分析问题,仍
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《历史小故事丛书》是一部面向青少年的知识性读物。三年多的时间出版了一百四、五十种,三百七十多万册,现在又要印行《选辑》了。这是一个证据,证明我们的广大青少年,对于读书、获得历史知识,怀有很高的热情。  谈到学习历史知识,也许有人说,讲历史、学历史是脑力劳动者的事。大多数青少年将来必定是参加农、工、渔、牧等生产,不会每个人都从事脑力劳动。花时间去学习历史知识,有何必要呢?或者说,国家要实现四个现代化