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从一个稚嫩的学生,到现在拥有十几年教龄的老教师;从一个懵懂的孩子到如今的孩子王,十几年的教育工作让我历练了许多,也让我成熟了很多。刚参加工作时,我曾想过:我会成为一名什么样的老师呢?前不久,我看了一本名叫《跟苏霍姆林斯基学当老师》的书,我想我应该成为苏霍姆林斯基那样的老师,那种能够让孩子热爱生活,热爱世界的老师,那种能够帮助孩子用眼睛和心灵发现生活美的老师。老师经常会讨论,现在的孩子一年比一年难教,行为习惯越 From a young student to an old teacher who now has more than 10 years of teaching experience; from a ignorant child to the present-day child king, more than a decade of education has given me a lot of experience and a lot of maturity for me. When I first joined the work, I had thought about what kind of teacher I would be. Not long ago, I read a book titled “Teacher with Sukhomlinski” and I think I should become Sukhomlinski’s teacher, the kind of teacher who can make his children love life and love the world, the kind of teacher who can help children to discover beauty of life with eyes and heart. Teachers often discuss that nowadays children are hard to teach and behave more and more each year