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我們参加中國科學院訪蘇代表團,學習了蘇聯的先進經驗後,對今後我國的醫学研究工作,有如下的初步建議,提出來供大家參考。 (一)整頓現有的醫學研究機關,以實事求是的精神改組國內現有的醫學研究機關,集中人力物力首先研究幾個目前最迫切需要解决的問題,如勞動衛生和職業病問題、流行病學及微生物學问題、寄生蟲病問題等。在組織機構上採取寧缺毋濫的方針,祇有條件成立一個研究室時,就先成立一個室,不要勉强建立一個研究所;應注意積累经驗和培養幹部,等有條件時再逐步發展成 After attending the delegation to the Soviet Union from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and studying the advanced experience of the Soviet Union, we have made the following preliminary suggestions on the medical research work in our country in the future and proposed for your reference. (1) To reorganize the existing medical research institutions and reorganize the existing medical research institutions in the spirit of seeking truth from facts, so as to concentrate the manpower and material resources. First, we should study a few issues that are most urgently needed to be solved at present, such as labor health and occupational diseases, epidemiology and microbiology Problems, parasitic diseases and so on. In the organizational structure to take Ningquewulan approach, only the conditions for the establishment of a laboratory, we should first set up a room, not reluctantly to establish an Institute; should pay attention to gain experience and training of cadres, and other conditions and then gradually developed into
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This paper records my geological and geomorphological observations enroute from Urumuchito Aksu. Leaving Urumuchi on August Ist, we passed through the graben tr
我院这次反右倾整风运动中,结合斗争学习毛泽东同志的著作,成绩很大。在整风胜利的基础上,现在我院又掀起了一个轰轰烈烈地群众性地学习毛泽东思想的高潮。 毛泽东同志是当