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一、水稻病害消长演替特点及主要原因分析纵观我县水稻病害近三十年来消长演替过程,具三大特点:一是造成经济损失的病害种类由少到多,二是病害发生面积扩大,三是病害造成的损失增加。左右病害发生、流行的原因,从传统植病流行学分析,可归结为病源、寄主及环境条件相互作用的结果。但从现代的观点来看,对处于农业生态系统中的水稻病害,人类生产活动的影响却是导致其消长演替的重要因素.(一)品种更替对病害消长演替的影响由于目前同一品种对不同病害抗性不同。这样,在利用抗病品种防治病害的过程中,有可能控制住了原来大流行的病害,但是原来不重要的病害有可能随之上升,成为新问题. First, the characteristics of rice disease growth and decline and the main reasons for analysis of rice disease in our county over the past 30 years the process of growth and decline, with three major characteristics: First, the economic loss of the disease from less to more, and second, the area of ​​disease Expand, the third is the damage caused by the disease increased. About the occurrence and prevalence of diseases, the epidemiological analysis of traditional plant diseases can be summarized as the result of the interaction between pathogen, host and environmental conditions. However, from a modern point of view, the impact of rice diseases and human activities in agro-ecosystem is an important factor leading to their succession and decline. (A) the impact of breed change on the succession and decline of diseases As the same species Different resistance to different diseases. In this way, the use of disease-resistant varieties of disease prevention and control may be able to control the disease of the original pandemic, but previously not important diseases may increase, as a new problem.
本文报道了中国主要茶树品种茶籽中茶皂素含量的研究结果,并讨论了与茶籽皂素含量有关的影响因素,为茶皂素的工业生产和广泛利用提供了依据。 This paper reports the resul
禾谷丝核菌细胞为双核,立枯丝核菌(Rhizoctonia solani kühn)细胞为多核,这是在形态上的主要区别之一.禾谷丝核菌菌核表层细胞与内部细胞大小、颜色、细胞壁的厚薄都不相同.
自蚕豆、辣根、指甲花等16种植物的黄萎病病株上分离到轮枝孢属(verticillium)真菌30个菌株,鉴定结果,全部为大丽轮枝茵(Verticiullim dahliae Kleb),其中辣根、黄蜀葵、胡核
一、沙枣害虫 为害沙枣的害虫约有20多种,其中主要的有春尺蠖、沙枣天蛾、沙枣黑叶甲、沙枣木虱、沙枣牡蛎蚧、桃条麦蛾及沙枣天牛等。现将不同为害方式的三种害虫的主要生物
根据Minter(1981)等人提出的依据,对来自国内9省(市)的162份松落针病标本进行了病原鉴定,发现松针散斑壳[Lophodermium Pinastri(Schrad.ex Fr.)Chev.]为明显的优势种,可侵染