General Introduction of One Literary Study Method

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  The comprehension of literary analysis is beneficial for English learners who are eager to appreciate English literature. As is following, one kind of literary analysis method is introduced, that is, feminism criticism.
  To begin with, what is feminism?According to The New Encyclopedia Britannica, “feminism”, also called “feminist movement” or “women’s liberation movement”, refers to the social movement that seeks equal rights for women, giving them equal status with men and freedom to decide their own careers and life patterns. It has its roots in the humanism of the 18th century and the Industrial Revolution.
  Women had long been regarded as inferior to men physically and intellectually. Both law and theology had ordered their subjection. Women could not in their own names possess property, engage in business, or control the disposal of their children and even their own persons. Concern for women’s rights dates from the Enlightenment, the first feminist document was Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Women (1792), which challenged the idea that women exist only to please men and proposed that women receive the same treatment as men in education, work and politics and be judged by the same moral standards with men’s. A modern milestone in feminism was established by Simone de Beauvoir, whose book, The Second Sex (1949), raised female consciousness by appealing to the idea that liberation for woman was liberation for man too. Feminism aimed at changing traditional gender prejudice on female education and practice in the social field. Related feminist theories in such fields as literary study, politics,philosophy,history, emerged in the second feminist movement, which led to the establishment of global women study projects.
  Feminist criticism,as one method of literary study, rose up after World War II as a literary branch of the feminist movement, which sets several aims, including overthrowing the established conventions of western literature, breaking the patriarchal standards on which the traditional literary criticism was based, recovering and reevaluating the forgotten and neglected texts written by women writers, and establishing female canons on the basis of the study of woman-centered writing, etc.
  Feminist critics believe that culture has been dominated by men to such a high degree that literature is full of unexamined male-produced assumptions. Women had fewer opportunities than men to become writers for one thing—they got much less access to the education of such things as poetry, drama, and fiction that the male patriarchy valued. Even when they managed to write, men critics sometimes neglected their work simply because it came from a woman. Feminist critics also explore the cultural construction of gender and identity. In general, most American and French feminists, who jointly occupy the dominant position in feminist criticism, agree that women are constructed rather than born to be what they are like. However, they are varied in their approaches—American feminists tend to be more interested in political analysis of literary works, while French school focuses on critical theories extending to the reaches like psychoanalysis, linguistics, etc. Generally, feminism criticism can be categorized to be: liberal feminism. Marxist feminism, psychoanalytic feminism,ecofeminism, radical feminism, socialist feminism, feminism of colour.
【摘要】提问能够体现学生的主体地位,有助于学生思辨能力的发展。教师提问可以创造一种热烈讨论氛围的同时深化对文本的思考。它是师生信息互动的重要渠道和载体。教师通过提问激发学生对知识的输入和产出的同时另一方面学生的英语阅读能力也得到了锻炼。通过课堂教学观察对教师在提问类型方面现状的分析旨在提高学生的阅读能力,尤其是批判性阅读。  【关键词】初中英语阅读教学 教师课堂提问类型 知识性提问 理解性提问 批
Every night, we can see stars twinkle in the sky. They shine brightly like diamonds mosaic in the dark sky which resembles black velvet. But have you ever thought why they can shine?I think that’s bec
【摘要】弗里德里希· 施莱尔马赫的《论翻译的不同方法》一文可谓开启了翻译研究的二分法时代,尤其是其对德国功能主义学派卡特琳娜·莱斯、弗米尔等人的理论框架影响至深。本文以功能主义翻译观为理论支撑,试分析在翻译市场化、职业化、专业化背景下,译者在,与市场博弈过程中的抉择倾向。文章得出结论,在翻译市场化的影响下,为了满足市场的经济利益层面需求,译者往往被迫选择“归化”的翻译而偏离施莱尔马赫和韦努蒂等共同
【摘要】本文从网络生态环境入手,针对艺体类学生特点,详细分析大学英语如何在互联网的支撑下采用“网络交互式”的教学模式,并为课堂教学提出可参考的教学建议。  【关键词】艺体类大学英语 互联网生态环境 网络教学平台  一、引言  艺体类学生是一个较为特殊的群体,虽然他们英语基础薄弱,但是他们思维活跃、善于沟通、乐于表现。因此,为了摆脱传统教学的束缚,鼓励艺体类学生提高积极性和课堂参与度,艺体类大学英语
【摘要】分层教学就是教师根据大纲和教材要求,根据学生的实际情况,针对不同类型学生的接受能力,按照科学的方法将学生分为若干个水平相近的群体,设计不同层次的教学目标,提出不同层次的学习要求,给予不同层次的辅导,进行不同层次的学习评价,从而使各类学生分别在各自的起点上选择不同的速度,获取数量、层次不同的知识信息。  【关键词】分层教学 英语教学 中学  在英语教学实践中,我们经常会发现部分学生随着教学内
【摘要】模因论 (memetics) 是基于达尔文进化论的观点解释文化进化规律的一种新理论。模因论的核心概念是模因(meme)。模因是文化的基本单位,通过非遗传的方式、特别是模仿而得到传播。本文以模因论为理论依据,探讨如何以现代化教学技术为辅助手段,以模仿、角色扮演为主要教学方法,设计高职英语口语课程教学方案。  【关键词】模因论 模因 英语口语 课程设计  一、模因论与模因  模因论 (meme