
来源 :民族文学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nicenic
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早在上世纪八十年代《民族文学》初创之时,乌热尔图就曾以《七岔犄角的公鹿》、《琥珀色的篝火》等小说感动过无数读者。此番应叶梅副主编之约,特为我刊撰写了这篇题为《译注者笔下的“速勒都思”》的文章。与作者以往那些为读者所熟知的作品不同,《译注者笔下的“速勒都思”》展现出来的是全然一新的面貌。内容交了,文体变了,写作风格也跟着变了,然而作者那一以贯之的赤诚的文心没有变,那“铁肩担道义”的文胆没有变。面对国外那些大肆著书立说,恣意篡改历史的“学者”的险恶居心;面对那些跑到中国的土地上,公然打出“还我领土”横幅的外国民族主义者的嚣张气焰,乌热尔图可以说是拍案而起,以一个共和国公民的尊颜和责任感,以一个作家的良知和道义,写就了这篇文章。在风起云涌、诡谲莫测的国际大背景下,《译注者笔下的“速勒都思”》的刊出,恰逢其时。可以说,《译注者笔下的“速勒都思”》是一篇以严谨缜密的考据功夫见长的学术文章,但它又不仅仅是一篇单纯的学术文章。阅读它,就像是在阅读作者的小说,感到它那涌动在字里行间的激情,感到鼓舞,感到酣畅淋漓。 As early as the beginning of the “national literature” in the 1980s, Urgertu touched countless readers with his novels like “Bucks at Seven Chaps,” “Amber Bonfire,” and other novels. This time should Yemei associate editor of the contract, especially for my compilation of this article entitled “translator wrote” speed Le Dudu Si “article. In contrast to the author's earlier works well-known to readers, ”The Superdream,“ written by the translator, shows an entirely new look. The content has been handed down, the style has changed, and the style of writing has also changed. However, the author's consistent sincere attitude has not changed. The style of ”shoulder the iron“ does not change. In the face of the hostile heart of foreign ”scholar“ who wantonly books books and books and wantonly tamper with history, facing the arrogance of foreign nationalists who ”went on the territory of my country“ in the face of those who went to China's land, Tartu can be said to have started the case and wrote this article with the honor and sense of responsibility of a Republic citizen as a writer's conscience and morality. In turbulent, unpredictable international background, ”translator wrote“ speed Le Dudu Si, ”“ published, coincides with the time. It can be said, ”Translator's“ speed Le Dudu Si ”is a rigorous and meticulous examination of martial arts knowledge of academic articles, but it is not just a simple academic article. Reading it is like reading the author's novel, feel it surging in the passion between the lines, inspired, feel hearty.
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