Bridging the terahertz near-field and far-field observations of liquid crystal based metamaterial ab

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leolover211
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Metamaterial-based absorbers play a significant role in applications ranging from energy harvesting and thermal emitters to sensors and imaging devices.The middle dielectric layer of conventional metamaterial absorbers has always been solid.Researchers could not detect the near field distribution in this layer or utilize it effectively.Here,we use anisotropic liquid crystal as the dielectric layer to realize electrically fast tunable terahertz metamaterial absorbers.We demonstrate strong,position-dependent terahertz near-field enhancement with sub-wavelength resolution inside the metamaterial absorber.We measure the terahertz far-field absorption as the driving voltage increases.By combining experimental results with liquid crystal simulations,we verify the near-field distribution in the middle layer indirectly and bridge the nearfield and far-field observations.Our work opens new opportunities for creating high-performance,fast,tunable,terahertz metamaterial devices that can be applied in biological imaging and sensing. Metamaterial-based absorbers play a significant role in applications ranging from energy harvesting and thermal emitters to sensors and imaging devices. The middle dielectric layer of conventional metamaterial absorbers have always been solid. Researchers could not detect the near field distribution in this layer or so it effectively.Here, we use anisotropic liquid crystal as the dielectric layer to realize electrically fast tunable terahertz metamaterial absorbers. We demonstrate strong, position-dependent terahertz near-field enhancement with sub-wavelength resolution inside the metamaterial absorber. We measure the terahertz far- field absorption as the driving voltage increases. By combining experimental results with liquid crystal simulations, we verify the near-field distribution in the middle layer indirectly and bridge the nearfield and far-field observations. Our work opens new opportunities for creating high-performance, fast, tunable, terahertz metamaterial devices that can be applie d in biological imaging and sensing.
讨论情景:  科学活动中学习温度和温度计,旺旺一直在吐口水。我问他为什么,他说:“我把水银吃下去了。”下午美术课,他又开始吐口水了,一边吐一边说:“我把油画棒吃进去了。”旺旺这种行为似乎表现出了恐惧、缺乏安全感,如果过分干预又怕伤了孩子自尊,我该如何引导?(江苏省镇江市丹阳市正则幼儿园 陈 琛)  专家视点:  消除恐惧 积极诱导  ◆安徽师范大学教育科学学院 吴 玲  一、原因探析  1.恐惧、
目的研究模拟失重对人体自发性压力感受器-心率反射反应性的影响及其与立位耐力的关系。方法利用Finapres无创血压监测仪采集15名男性青年21天—6°头低位卧床期间及卧床前、后头高位倾斜试验时逐跳动脉血压信号,测量自发性压力反射反应斜率(PRS)的变化。结果卧床期间,15人中有12人的平均PRS值呈减小变化,其中有5人在卧床结束时未能完成20 min头高位倾斜试验,其平卧位PRS值114.8±22