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For reducing the computational complexity of the problem of joint transmit and receive antenna selection in Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems, we present a concise joint transmit/receive antenna selection algorithm. Using a novel partition of the channel matrix, we drive a concise formula. This formula enables us to augment the channel matrix in such a way that the computational complexity of the greedy Joint Transmit/Receive Antenna Selection (JTRAS) algorithm is reduced by a factor of 4n L , where n L is the number of selected antennas. A decoupled version of the proposed algorithm is also proposed to further improve the efficiency of the JTRAS algorithm, with some capacity degradation as a tradeoff. The computational complexity and the performance of the proposed approaches are evaluated mathematically and verified by computer simulations. The results have shown that the proposed joint antenna selection algorithm maintains the capacity perormance of the JTRAS algorithm while its computational complexity is only 1/4n L of that of the JTRAS algorithm. The decoupled version of the proposed algorithm further reduces the computational complexity of the joint antenna selection and has better performance than other decoupling-based algorithms when the selected antenna subset is small as compared to the total number of antennas. For reducing the computational complexity of the problem of joint transmit and receive antenna selection in Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems, we present a concise joint transmit / receive antenna selection algorithm. Using a novel partition of the channel matrix, we drive a concise formula. This formula enables us to augment the channel matrix in such a way that the computational complexity of the greedy Joint Transmit / Receive Antenna Selection (JTRAS) algorithm is reduced by a factor of 4n L, where n L is the number of selected antennas. A decoupled version of the proposed algorithm is also proposed to further improve the efficiency of the JTRAS algorithm, with some capacity degradation as a tradeoff. The computational complexity and the performance of the proposed approach are evaluated mathematically and verified by computer simulations The results have shown that the proposed joint antenna selection algorithm maintains the capacity perormance of the JTRAS algorithm w The decoupled version of the proposed algorithm further reduces the computational complexity of the joint antenna selection and has better performance than other decoupling-based algorithms when the selected antenna subset is small as compared to the total number of antennas.
【摘要】县域经济发展是一项复杂的系统工程,其对区域整体发展起到基础性作用。与发达地区相比,欠发达地区县域经济发展相对滞后,产业支撑不牢固、特色优势不明显、全链推动未形成、集群发展后劲弱、生产要素不集中等问题还较为突出,尤其是支撑县域经济发展的金融体制机制还有待进一步健全完善。  【关键词】县域经济 信贷产品 普惠金融  一、金融支持县域经济概况  金融业围绕欠发达地区县域基础设施建设、县域园区平台
【摘要】地方储备粮是中央储备粮最基层的单位,其品种结构的合理性与否对于储备粮的粮食风险、轮换风险以及应急供应等具有直接性影响,其存储模式的变化还会在一定程度上影响到地方政府、承储企业等的利益。本文主要以辽宁省为例,结合地方储备粮的特征及其存储模式,就当前辽宁省地方储备粮的存储状况及问题加以分析,并提出优化辽宁省地方储备粮的对策。  【关键词】辽宁省 地方储备粮 存储模式 优化策略  一、地方储备粮
【摘要】高职院校对于人才的培养针对性是比较强的,注重人才理论与实践全方面能力的发展。随着市场经济体制创新改革的深入,对高职金融教学也提出了新的要求,人才培养有着更为严格的规范标准。本文重点对高职金融教学中人才培养存在的问题进行了分析,并且相应的提出了人才培养的策略,旨在为高职金融教学提供指导,实现教学的创新性提高。  【关键词】辽宁省高职 金融专业 人才培养模式  辽宁省的金融行业在近些年的发展中
【摘要】通过构建金融集聚水平综合评价指标体系,采用主成分分析法对上海市金融业集聚状况进行了系统分析,发现上海市从2003年至2016年金融集聚水平逐渐加强,2016年的集聚水平明显提高,表明将上海市建设成为国际金融中心的战略效果显著。  【关键词】金融集聚 综合指标体系 上海  一、文献综述  测度金融集聚水平的主要方法有单指标法与综合指标法,单指标法常用金融业区位熵、空间基尼系数等来衡量。但由于
【摘要】生产性服务业把日益专业化的人力资本和知识资本引进制造业当中,是二三产业加速融合的关键环节,山东省生产性服务业虽然发展速度较快,但与其他省份相比,其在国民经济中的重要性体现得还不够明显,占生产总值的比重偏低,与上海、北京这两个政治金融中心相比差距更大,但是我们可以学习北京、上海先进的发展经验,进一步提高这三个产业对GDP的贡献度。  【关键词】山东省 生产性服务业 产业融合  生产性服务业是
【摘要】基于柳来河一体化区域2002~2014年城市工业面板数据的实证研究表明,资本和劳动力要素投入仍然是城市工业增长的主要源泉,而城市工业协同发展的空间结构效应尚未显现。在促进柳来河一体化区域工业协同发展的进程中,应完善基础设施建设,加强城市政府合作,建立产业协同发展机制。  【关键词】集聚经济圈 产业协同发展 空间结构效应 柳来河一体化区域  一、问题的提出  在国家和区域以构建集聚经济圈作为
摘 要:目前,新生代农民工分布在城市的各个角落,他们有扎根城市的梦想,但是居高不下的房价对于收入低的新生代农民工而言却成了农民工市民化最大的"瓶颈"。解决农民工的住房问题已经成为城市的当务之急。本文在总结各地实践经验的基础上,认为应逐步根据农民工的收入水平将其纳入到各个层次的住房保障体系中,逐步形成农民工完善的住房保障制度。  关键词:新生代农民工;住房保障;必要性;对策    一、解决新生代农