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平韭2号是河南省平顶山市农科所继791之后培育成功的又一个高产,抗寒韭菜新品种,近年来的区域试验和生产示范表明: 一、平韭2号分蘖力强,植株生长迅速,长势旺,叶色深绿,叶鞘长而粗壮,叶片宽大肥厚,株高50厘米以上,辛辣味浓,营养含量丰富,品质十分鲜嫩,商品菜性状好,深受消费者欢迎。 二、春季萌发早,抗寒性强。该品种春季发棵早,生长迅速,一般此791提早上市7~10天,且1~3刀产量高,比其它韭菜品种增产40%以上,冬季十二月份还可收割上 Ping leek 2 is Pingdingshan City, Henan Province, following the 791 after the success of cultivating a new high-yielding, cold-resistant leek new varieties, in recent years, regional trials and production demonstrations: First, Ping leek 2 strong tillering ability, plant growth Rapid, prosperous, leaf dark green, leaf sheath long and stout, leaf large fat, 50 cm above the plant, spicy flavor, nutrient content is rich, the quality is very fresh, good food traits, welcomed by consumers. Second, early spring germination, cold resistance and strong. The varieties of early spring hair grow rapidly, the general 791 early listing of 7 to 10 days, and 1 to 3 high-yield knife, more than 40% more than other leek varieties, winter harvest in December
有句老话说:兄弟合心,其力断金!不管是不是一个妈生的,只要能心往一处想,劲儿往一处使,好歹要强过单打独斗。《三国演义》里,刘关张桃园三结义的故事让中国人耳熟能详,国际时尚界中,也不乏此类佳话,以下三对儿兄弟可见一斑。不过,老外不兴结义拜把子,咱借用电视剧的名字,叫他们“兄弟连”吧。    Victor&Rolf:疑似双胞胎      创业时间:1993年  创业领域:服装设计  品牌:Victor