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法国农业现代化的缓慢进程历来饱受诟病。本文对18世纪以来法国以土地整合为核心的农业改革运动进行分析,展现了这一颇具争议性的历史进程。文章首先阐释了不同时期土地改革问题的本质,即18世纪以来改革家们对土地析分的不同认识,以及对土地整合政策优劣的全国性大讨论。其后通过对洛林地区土地整合的案例分析指出,作为一项遵循农艺学理论的农学实践,洛林地区土地整合的实际执行情况虽未达成所愿,但为改革进程提供了有益的参照。第三部分剖析了十九二十世纪进行彻底的土地改革之时,法国面临的内在制约因素,包括土地整合的高额成本,对土地改革获得普遍赞同的过高期待,以及政府推动政治改革的决心等。本文聚焦于政府决策以及管理精英的行为,认为尽管步伐缓慢,法国实际上走出了一条不同于英国、丹麦和瑞典模式的独特的土地改革之路。 The slow process of French agricultural modernization has always been criticized. This article analyzes the controversial historical process of the French agricultural reform movement with land consolidation as the core since the 18th century. The article first explains the essence of land reform in different periods, that is, reformers’ different understanding of land subdivision since the 18th century and a nationwide discussion on the merits and demerits of land consolidation policies. Afterwards, through the case analysis of land consolidation in Lorraine region, it is pointed out that the actual implementation of land consolidation in Lorraine, as an agronomy practice following agronomic theory, failed to achieve the desired goal but provided a useful reference for the reform process. The third part analyzes the inherent constraints France faced at the time of the thorough land reform in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, including the high costs of land consolidation, the over-expectations of widespread approval of land reform, and the government’s push for political reform Determination and so on. Focusing on government decision-making and managing the elite, this article argues that France, in spite of its slow pace, has actually come out with a unique land reform that is different from the British, Danish and Swedish models.
家母邓懿和家父周一良相继于2000年和200 1年辞世,他们的同事、学生已有一些回忆文章刊行,从中可见老人的学术贡献。在父母百年冥诞之际,我顾从个人接触所及,作点滴回忆。193
临床资料 自1992~1997年共收治患者50例。其中男22例,女28例,年龄22~76岁。治疗方法(1)手法复位:患者端坐位,施术者立于患者背后,对患者移位的颈椎施行拔伸,使移位的颈椎复位。(左右、前后、旋转移位)。(2)颈前
在中职英语教学中,学生缺少学习的积极性。只有狠抓学生的英语基础,注重学风和兴趣教育,推行分层教学,采取有针对性的相应措施,才能真正提高学生的学习效率,解决问题。 In s