畅通无价 平安是福——广西横县创建“平安畅通县区”工作纪实

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初夏五月,横县这座有着“中国茉莉之乡”美名的南方小城又迎来了全国各地的客商。满城飘散的淡淡花香,整齐划一的道路以及鲜艳多彩的花带苗圃无不给人以宾至如归的感觉。在这一幅幅和谐温馨的画面背后,凝聚的是横县人民在创建“平安畅通县区”工作中倾注的无数心血。一直以来,横县人民政府紧紧围绕国家、自治区以及南宁市三级道路交通安全工作联席会议的统一部署,以“政府领导、部门配合、社会联动、齐抓共管、综合治理”为方向,以推行道路交通安全社会化管理为切入点,狠抓“降事故、保安全、促畅通”的总体目标不放松,不断深化“五整顿”、“三加强”工作,使得全县在道路交通安全管理方面的各项工作得到长足发展。不仅道路变通秩序大为改观,更取得了交通事故年年下降的好成绩,也因此受到了社会各方面的广泛赞誉。在2007年12月26日国务院六部委联合召开的全国创建“平安畅通县区”工作电视电话会议上,横县得了全国通报表扬并荣获全国“平安畅通县区”的光荣称号,是广西获此殊荣的四个县区之一。在道路交通管理工作日益繁重的今天,横县在创建“平安畅通县区”工作中的许多经验,值得学习和借鉴。 Early summer in May, Heng County, this town has “China jasmine ” reputation of the southern town usher in merchants across the country. Floating across the city of light floral, neat and uniform road and colorful flowers with nurseries all give the feeling of home away from home. Behind this harmony and warm picture, the countless efforts that Hengxian people poured into their work in creating “safe and smooth county” are unifying. All along, Hengxian People’s Government has been closely following the unified arrangements for the joint conference on road traffic safety at the three levels of the state, autonomous region and Nanning City, and has been oriented in the direction of “government leadership, departmental cooperation, social interaction, concerted management and comprehensive governance” , Taking the socialization of road traffic safety as the starting point, pay close attention to the overall objective of “reducing accidents, ensuring safety and promoting smooth flow of traffic”, and do not relax the “five rectification” and “three strengthening” work continuously, Making the county in road traffic safety management has made considerable progress in all aspects of work. Not only has the order of road improvement greatly improved, but it has also achieved good results in declining traffic accidents from year to year. As a result, it has been widely praised by all sectors of society. On December 26, 2007, the six ministries and commissions of the State Council jointly held a conference on establishing a “smooth and smooth county” television and telephone conference. Hengxian won the national glorification and was awarded the glorious title of “Safe and Smooth County” Guangxi won the honor of one of the four counties. In the increasingly heavy traffic management of roads, Heng County has many experiences in creating “safe and clear county” work and is worth learning from.
2008年防城港市对外贸易中,对东盟贸易实现同比增长19.6%,占广西对东盟进出口总额的20%。保持了快速增长的势头。再次显现出防城港作为与东盟最前沿的地域优势。 In 2008, i