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一、利用化学实验,让学生体会探究的乐趣探究的动力源于兴趣,兴趣源于问题疑惑,对于教材大部分实验,需要探究的问题、活动的具体方案已呈现出来,只需学生按照教材上的预设方案进行实验、观察现象、得出结论即可,这样的探究过程没有激发学生的探究意识,趣味性并不十分强烈,在教学过程中我们通常应丰富实验过程,提高实验的趣味性。例如,在“原电池原理及其应用”一节中,实验探究原电池的反应原理,教材中实验是先将铜片和铁片分别插入到稀硫酸中,然后用导线连接一同插到稀硫酸中,再在中间接一个电流计,依次观察现象。为激发兴趣,在教学中利用音 First, the use of chemical experiments to allow students to explore the fun of exploration Exploring the power from the interest from the questions puzzled, most of the textbook for the experiment, you need to explore the specific programs of activities have been presented, as long as the students in accordance with the textbook Of the default programs to observe, observe the phenomenon can be concluded that such inquiry process did not stimulate the students to explore awareness, interest is not very strong, in the teaching process we usually should enrich the experimental process and improve the fun of the experiment . For example, in the section of “Principles and Applications of Primary Cells and Applications”, the experiment explores the reaction principle of primary cells. Experiments in teaching materials first insert the copper and the iron into the dilute sulfuric acid, and then connect them with wires Diluted sulfuric acid, then in the middle of a galvanometer, followed by observation of the phenomenon. To stimulate interest in the use of sound in teaching
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