Single-port laparoscopic radical prostatectomy: initial experience and technical points to reduce it

来源 :中华医学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gcj820305
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Background Laparoendoscopic single-site surgery (LESS) approaches have been reported for treating various kidney and pelvic procedures,and are feasible and effective in selected patients.In this study,we aimed to present the initial experience and evaluate the efficacy of laparoscopic radical prostatectomy performed through a single incision using a multichannel port.Methods Between July 2010 and April 2011,six patients diagnosed with early stage prostate cancer underwent LESS radical prostatectomy (RP) in our institute.A multichannel port was inserted transperitoneally through a 2-cm umbilical incision.Specially articulating and flexible laparoscopic were used.Some technical tricks and points were applied during the operation to overcome the drawbacks and reduce the difficulties of this approach.Two continuous urethrovesical sutures in both sides were performed to complete both lateral aspects of anastomosis.The two ends of the suture threads were fixed by double Lapro-Clips,instead of the difficult knot-tying.Results Total operative time was (265±43) minutes.Mean blood loss was (230±65) ml.All cases were completed successfully,without conversion to open surgery or adding additional abdomen ports.No patient required a blood transfusion and no intraoperative complications occurred.The Foley catheter was removed at the 14th day (range 12th-16th) after surgery.At the 12th week of follow-up,all patients had an undetectable prostate-specific antigen level.Two patients used 2 or 1 pad for continence daily; other patients had achieved good continence.Conclusion In selected cases,LESS-RP is feasible and effective; these technic points and the flexible-articulating instruments are helpful to reduce the operation difficulties.
备受关注的西气东输工程近来又有新进展。西气东输定向钻穿越工程中地质条件最差、穿越距离最长、施工难度及风险最大的一次河流穿越———河南温县的沁河定向钻穿越工程 ,已
对我院2009年1月至2011年9月药物流产后阴道流血时间长(大于10天)或突发大量流血行清宫术患者30例,同时对清出组织作病理检查,现报道如下。   病例来院为停经小于49天,早孕健康妇女,年龄在35岁左右,无流产禁忌症,在我院门诊行药物流产后阴道流血时间长者30例。   用药方法:均于第一日空腹服米非司酮片25mg 12小时后腹服米非司酮片75mg 第二天重复第一天用药,第三天晨8时来院空
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