
来源 :中国钢铁业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Euphemia123
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2006年1—7月,全国产粗钢23603.65万吨,同比增长18.9%:生铁22804.83万吨,同比增长21.1%;钢材25989.55万吨(含重复材),同比增长25.1%。同期,累计进口钢材1094.1万吨,同比下降28.71%;进口钢坯23.96万吨,同比下降73.08%;铁矿石累计进口18608.12万吨,同比增加3323.78万吨,增长21.75%。累计出口钢材2066.86万吨,同比增长57.73%;出口钢坯393.45万吨,同比下降28.04%。1—7月,净出口钢材973万吨、钢坯369万吨,两项合计,相当于净出口粗钢1404万吨。根据海关总署最新统计资料(除非特别说明,进出口数据均来自海关总署),2006年1—7月,我国钢铁行业主要原料(铁合金、焦炭、生铁、铁矿石、锰矿、铬矿、废 From January to July 2006, the country’s crude steel output reached 2360.365 million tons, up 18.9% over the same period of the previous year: 2280.48 million tons of pig iron, up 21.1% over the same period of last year; 259,895,500 tons of steel (including repetitive materials), up 25.1% over the same period of last year. Over the same period, the steel imports totaled 10,941,000 tons, down 28.71% from the same period of last year; imported 239,600 tons of billet, down 73.08% over the same period of last year; and imported a total of 180,681,200 tons of iron ore, an increase of 33,237,800 tons or 21.75% over the same period of last year. Total steel exports 20,668,600 tons, an increase of 57.73%; export billet 39,345,500 tons, down 28.04%. From January to July, the net exports of steel products amounted to 9.73 million tons and 3.69 million tons of billet, the two of which totaled 14.04 million tons of crude steel exports. According to the latest statistics of the General Administration of Customs (import and export data are from the General Administration of Customs unless otherwise specified), from January to July 2006, the main raw materials (ferroalloy, coke, pig iron, iron ore, manganese ore, chrome ore, Waste
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