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目的探讨急性硫化氢(H2S)气体中毒的肺部影像学表现,为临床治疗提供参考依据。方法观察5例急性中、重度H2S中毒患者的胸部X线及CT表现,以及治疗过程中的变化。结果胸部X线示两肺透亮度减低,双侧肺纹理增粗由肺门向周围肺野放射性分布,并见密度较淡的斑片影。胸部CT示两肺弥漫性分布斑片状影及磨玻璃样密度影,以外周带为主,并见少量结节影及索条状影。治疗7天后肺部病变吸收明显,27天后病变基本吸收,仅1例可见残留腺泡结节样磨玻璃密度影。结论了解H2S中毒患者肺部影像学表现及其转归,可为临床治疗提供有价值的依据,并对肺部损害的严重程度作出判断。 Objective To investigate the lung imaging findings of acute hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas poisoning and provide a reference for clinical treatment. Methods The chest X-ray and CT findings of 5 patients with acute and severe H2S poisoning were observed and the changes in the course of treatment were observed. Results Chest X-ray showed that both lungs through the brightness reduction, bilateral lung tissue thickening by the hilar to the surrounding lung field radioactive distribution, and see the lighter density patchy shadow. Chest CT showed diffuse distribution of both lung patchy and ground-like glass-like shadow density, mainly peripheral zone, and see a small amount of nodular shadow and cable strip shadow. After 7 days of treatment, the lung lesions were well absorbed, and the lesion was basically absorbed after 27 days. Only one case showed the residual alveolar nodular-like ground-glass density. Conclusion To understand the pulmonary manifestations and outcome of patients with H2S poisoning may provide valuable evidence for clinical treatment and to judge the severity of lung damage.
目的 :观察经鼻内窥镜修补脑脊液鼻漏的疗效。方法 :按Messerklinger手术进路 ,切除患侧钩突、筛泡 ,开放全筛窦 ,完整暴露前颅底。借助 0 、30 内窥镜和吸引器找到瘘孔位
患者 ,男 ,36岁。因睡眠打鼾半年 ,加重 1个月 ,于 1 997年 4月 1 6日来诊。 1 996年 4月曾行双侧鼻息肉 (经病理证实 )摘除术及筛窦开放术 ,术后鼻通气畅 ,无脓血涕史。检查
目的 观察复方樟柳碱联合复方血栓通胶囊治疗青光眼术后患者的效果.方法 选择医院2016年1月-2017年12月收治的青光眼术后患者100例,按照患者入院先后顺序随机分为观察组和对