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建筑业是我国国民经济的支柱产业之一,每年都为社会就业和各地的经济发展发挥了重要的作用。目前,我国建筑业正面临着市场竞争的新形势。一方面,城镇化战略和西部大开发战略的实施,使国内建设的步伐大为加快,建筑业的市场容量巨大,前景十分广阔;另一方面,随着中国加入WTO,市场进一步开放,境外国际承包公司将进入国内建筑市场,我国建筑企业将与境外公司在同一平台上,展开面对面的竞争。但是,我国建筑业同发达国家相比,存在明显的差距,建筑业企业利润普遍低下,人员素质、技术水平和劳动生产率都不高,严重影响了建筑业产业结构升级和质量效益的提高。人才是建筑业的立足之本,是建筑业的发展之源。如何走一条适合我国建筑业企业状况的培训教育之路,已成为摆在我们面前的崭新而又迫切的课题。 The construction industry is one of the pillar industries of our national economy and plays an important role every year in social employment and the economic development in various places. At present, China’s construction industry is facing a new situation of market competition. On the one hand, the implementation of the urbanization strategy and the strategy for the development of the western region have greatly accelerated the pace of domestic construction. The construction industry has a huge market capacity and a promising future. On the other hand, with China’s accession to the WTO, the market is further liberalized. Contracting companies will enter the domestic construction market, China’s construction enterprises will be on the same platform with overseas companies to start face-to-face competition. However, compared with developed countries, there is a clear gap between China’s construction industry and the developed countries. The profits of construction enterprises are generally low, and the quality of personnel, technical level and labor productivity are not high, seriously affecting the upgrade of industrial structure and the improvement of quality and efficiency in the construction industry. Talent is the foundation of the construction industry, is the source of the development of the construction industry. How to take a road of training and education that suits the conditions of China’s construction industry has become a brand new and urgent task before us.
1  乌云以为没有了风,  它就可以永远地遮住太阳。  突然,  一道闪电将它撕了个粉碎。    2  河流总是责备小溪流水的细小,   而大海却永远感激溪水的恩情。    3  月亮说太阳是世界上胆子最小的,   从不敢在夜里出现。  萤火虫却相信,  没有了太阳,  它才是最耀眼的明星。    4  落花不因蝴蝶的嘲笑而哭泣,   因为,  蜜蜂已将她迷人的清香,  酿成甜美的滋味。    5
据Prima调查结果显示,不同印刷方式的市场份额如下表中显示。 虽然应该注意到这些数据中包含很多不确定因素,但这些调查数据与美国调查部门的调查数据大体相符。据美国调查
有时候,一个好的工业设计甚至可以挽救一个公司的命运。 Sometimes, a good industrial design can even save the fate of a company.
一、我国加入WTO后,对国内建筑施工企业即是机遇,更是挑战 入世之后有利于吸收外国先进的技术和管理经验;有利于提高员工素质。然而其消极影响也是显而易见的:①国外大的跨
这是台湾一位11岁小女孩亲身经历的一件事。台风中,校园里的两棵树被刮倒。一棵树倒在地上,树叶和枝条都完好无损;另一棵树,叶子被刮光了,枝条被折断不少,惨不忍睹。 This i
据报道 ,日本东丽工业公司在三岛建设的 1kt/a聚对苯二甲酸丙二醇酯 (PTT)纤维装置于2 0 0 2年 1 0月建成投产。由于市场需求 ,东丽工业公司最近宣布 ,将PTT纤维装置进行扩建
德国化学工业产值超过 130 0亿欧元 ,在欧洲位居第一 ,全球位居第三。由于世界经济前景不明确 ,加上欧元汇率上涨 ,使出口型的德国化学工业无法迅速恢复。根据欧盟统计局的数