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培养学生的审美能力是素质教育的重要内容,是新课程教学改革的重要方面,也是语文教学的任务之一,然而任何能力的培养都不是一蹴而就的,而是需要经过一个过程,审美能力的培养也不例外。因此,为了实现在小学语文课堂上培养学生审美素养这个教学目标,从勾起学生对美的无意注意,转无意注意为有意注意,适当的教师点拨与交流,给予表现和创造美的平台这四个角度出发,循序渐进地提升小学生审美素养。 The cultivation of students’ aesthetic ability is an important part of quality education. It is also an important aspect of the teaching reform of the new curriculum. It is also one of the tasks of Chinese teaching. However, the cultivation of any ability is not accomplished in a single step, but requires the cultivation of a process and aesthetic ability No exception. Therefore, in order to achieve the goal of developing students ’aesthetic qualifications in primary Chinese classrooms, from the perspectives of arousing students’ unintentional attention to the United States, turning their attention to intentional attention, proper teaching and communication, giving a platform for performance and creating beauty, Starting, step by step to improve primary school students aesthetic qualities.
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