
来源 :上海企业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:coldcoffee
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时下,一些企业不乏利用级差地租获得转机,解困获利,走出低谷。所不同的是,有的获益后就坐享其成,稳收渔利;有的则励精图治,争取发展。座落在市区中心延平路、武定路上的上海第七印染厂就是后一种情况,他们通过地块转让,适时地抓紧企业经营机制转换,调整产业结构,划小核算单位,发展多种经营等,使一个亏损800多万元的企业,扭亏转盈。用这家厂沈文元厂长的话说:机遇是稍纵即逝的,要抓住机遇,珍惜机遇,用好机遇。他还说,如果只求暂时的稳定,这种保守思想,将会使企业遭到更大的不幸;不进则退,唯有不断进取,唯有在改革中前进,企业才能获得新生,不断发展。正由于沈厂长的这一真知灼见和敢闯敢干的拼搏精神,才使一个濒临倒闭的有80年历史的老厂获得青春,走上一条欣欣向荣的康庄大道。 Nowadays, some companies have used differential rents to make a turn for the better. What is different is that after some gains, they will enjoy the benefits and stabilize their income; while others will strive for development and strive for development. The Shanghai Seventh Printing and Dyeing Factory, which is located in Yanping Road and Wuding Road in the downtown area, is the latter situation. Through land transfer, they timely seize the transformation of the business operation mechanism, adjust the industrial structure, draw down small accounting units, and develop various Management, etc., caused a company that lost more than 8 million yuan to turn losses into profits. In the words of the factory’s plant manager Shen Wenyuan, the opportunity is fleeting. It is necessary to seize the opportunity, cherish the opportunity and make good use of opportunities. He also said that if only seeking temporary stability, this conservative ideology will cause the company to suffer even greater misfortunes; if it does not progress forward, it will continue to make progress, and only if it advances through reforms will enterprises be able to regenerate, and continue to development of. Thanks to the insights and hard work of Shen’s director, the 80-year-old plant on the verge of collapse was rejuvenated and embarked on a prosperous road.
介绍了半导体漆铁心地屏的结构、材料和加工过程中应注意的问题。 The structure, material and process of semiconductor lacquer iron core screen are introduced.