
来源 :小学生(教学实践) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gichurn
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音乐教学是基础教育的一个非常重要的课程,它对启迪学生的思维、培养学生的想象能力和表现能力具有积极的推动作用。事实上,音乐教学能否真正的实现这个推动作用,充分发挥它的育人功能,在一定程度上取决于我们的教师。从教育教学的形势来看,随着课改的不断深化,音乐的教育教学活动对我们教师的要求也越来越高。作为教师必须明确这些要求,方能使自己的音乐教学活动更能有效。现个人就此谈谈自己的认识: Music teaching is a very important course of basic education. It plays a positive role in enlightening students' thinking and developing their imagination ability and performance ability. In fact, whether or not music teaching can truly achieve this impetus and give full play to its educational function depends, to a certain extent, on our teachers. From the situation of education and teaching, with the continuous deepening of curriculum reform, the demand for music education and teaching activities for our teachers is also getting higher and higher. As teachers must be clear these requirements, in order to make their own music teaching activities more effectively. Now personal talk about their own understanding:
OBJECTIVE: To detect bile anaerobic bacteria and antibiotic susceptibility in 59 patients with gallstoneswho had had cholecystectomy.METHODS: BACT/ALERT 120 mi
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AIM:H pylori genomes are highly diversified.This projectwas designed to genotype H pyloriisolates by the polymerasechain reaction (PCR)-based randomly amplifie
例1 男,25岁.因"发热、头痛8个月余,加重伴视力下降3个月"于2005年5月12日入院.2004年9月患者无诱因出现发热,体温40 ℃,于省立医院行头颅磁共振成像(MRI)见右侧额叶高信号区,诊断为"脑脓肿",治疗1个月症状消失,复查头颅MRI病灶消失.但患者仍头痛并伴有低热,体温37.1~38.0 ℃.2005年2月起患者双眼视力逐渐下降.既往有发作性口腔溃疡,后自愈;近4~5年反复出现阴囊
OBJECTIVE: To assess the diagnostic standards and treatment of severe Budd-Chiari syndrome (BCS).METHODS: The clinical data of 126 patients with severe BCS tre
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4.3 平衡抛射型发射原理(亦称戴维斯原理) 平衡抛射型发射原理就是发射时将后喷火药燃气的能量转换为其他后抛物体的动能,以减弱或消除后喷效应的无坐力发射方式。 早在15世