国际直接投资:环境多变 起伏不定

来源 :现代日本经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hulisheng
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自20世纪90年代初日本经济陷入长期萧条以来,日本经济研究也随之进入了深层探讨的时期。中外学者就日本经济长期衰退的成因、现状及趋势进行了多方有益的探索,而随着近期日本经济形势的转变,一些新现象、新特征开始逐步显现。为此,我们组织吉林大学东北亚研究院日本研究所的有关专家、学者从总体、内需、财政、金融、国际贸易、国际直接投资、产业国际竞争力和企业经营等角度出发,对当前的日本经济进行了回顾、反思与展望,希望由此进一步促进并深化日本经济有关方面的研究。 Since the long-term depression of Japan’s economy in the early 1990s, Japan’s economic research has also entered a period of deep discussion. Chinese and foreign scholars conducted a series of beneficial explorations on the causes, current situations and trends of Japan’s long-term economic recession. With the recent economic situation in Japan, some new phenomena and new features began to emerge gradually. To this end, we organize relevant experts and scholars from the Japan Institute of Northeast Asia Research Institute of Jilin University from the perspectives of overall, domestic demand, finance, finance, international trade, international direct investment, industrial international competitiveness and business operation, The economy is reviewed, rethought and looked forward to the hope of further promoting and deepening the study of the Japanese economy.
据文献报道,CT检查对发现和确认胸膜和肺实质病变远较X 线胸片可靠。为此,我们对青岛市石棉总厂的31例石棉肺病人和可疑者进行了CT检查,并反复对照同期X 线胸片(后前位、双
那是一段刻骨铭心的岁月,尤其是拍戏期间所受的苦累,令沈丹萍至今想来心有余悸。 It was a moment of unforgettable years, especially during the filming suffered so ti
李亚林是带着对事业的未酬之志,是带着对亲人、家庭诸多未尽义务的遗憾,怅然离世的。 Li Yalin is unworthy of the cause with the ambition, with a lot of family, relat