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爲了總結徵粮經驗,討論減租條例及補充辦法,與農民協會章程暨選舉省農民協會籌備委員會,本府决定召開雲南省第一次農民代表會議,特將參加會講的幾項具體問題,作如下規定:一、代表名額分配:每縣代表二人至七人,大縣人多羣眾條件好,交通便利及準備做減租重點縣的,可以多派但最多不超過七人。二、代表條件:必須是成份好,覺悟較高的農民,且須有適當數量少數民族的農民,及農村婦女代表,雇貧農代表,也必須有中農的代表,必須是領導農民鬥爭有成績的幹部和積極分子,貧苦的農村革命知識分子,也可參加但只能佔一定數量。三、會議日期:八月一日正式開會,會期預定四天,各地代表,務於會議開幕前一日(七月三十一日)報到。四、各專署縣府:應即選派代表,按期參加會議。特此公告 In order to summarize the experience of the requisition of grain and to discuss the regulations and supplementary measures for rent reduction and with the constitution of the peasant association and the preparatory committee for the election of peasant associations of the province, the government decided to convene the first peasant representative conference in Yunnan Province, For the following provisions: First, the representative quota allocation: each county represents two to seven people, large masses of people in many conditions, and convenient transportation and ready to do key counties, you can send more to send up to no more than seven. Second, on behalf of the conditions: It must be a good composition, higher awareness of peasants, and the need to have an appropriate number of ethnic minority farmers, and rural women’s representatives, hired poor peasants representatives must also have representatives of the middle peasants, must lead the peasant struggle achievements Cadres and activists, poor rural revolutionary intellectuals can also participate in but can only account for a certain number. Third, the date of the meeting: the official meeting on August 1, scheduled for four days, representatives from all over the country, in the meeting the day before (July 31) to report. Fourth, the prefectural government offices: should be sent to send representatives to participate in the meeting on schedule. Special announcement
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