High-Speed Parallel Matched Filter Designing and FPGA Implementation

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:happywz521
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Matched filter is one of the key technologies to achieve high-speed data transmission. In this paper,a parallel finite-impulse response (FIR) filter structure based on polyphase filter-ing is used to achieve high-speed matched filter in quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK) demodulation up to 800 Mb·s-1. First,a window function is employed of to obtain impulse response of matched filter. Second,the high-speed parallel FIR structure is presented based on polyphase filtering. Then,the filter with EP2S180F1020 on the Quartus II 7.2 platform is achieved. The final results show that the design is correct and can implement high-speed matched filtering,wherein the equivalent frequency of which is up to 2 037 MHz. In addition,this scheme is easy to real-ize,which brings great value to the application of this filter in high-speed matched filters design in demodulation systems. Matched filter is one of the key technologies to achieve high-speed data transmission. In this paper, a parallel finite-impulse response (FIR) filter structure based on polyphase filter-ing is used to achieve high-speed matched filter in quadrature phase- First, a window function is employed to obtain impulse response of matched filter. Second, the high-speed parallel structure of FIR is based on polyphase filtering. Then, the filter with EP2S180F1020 on the Quartus II 7.2 platform is achieved. The final results show that the design is correct and can implement high-speed matched filtering, where the equivalent frequency of which is up to 2 037 MHz. to real-ize, which brings great value to the application of this filter in high-speed matched filters design in demodulation systems.
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