,Comparison Between Diltiazem and Cedilanid-D on Ventricular Rate Control of Atrial Fibrillation and

来源 :岭南心血管病杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:macguys
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Objectives This randomized study was designed to compare the safety and efficacy of intravenous diltiazem versus intravenous cedilanid-D (deslanoside) for ventricular rate control in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). Analysis of the effect on conduction system of these drugs was also performed.Methods Forty three patients with AF were randomly assigned to receive intravenous therapy with 0.25mg/kg diltiazem (n= 21) or 0.4mg cedilanid-D (n= 22). If not effective at 120 minutes (< 20% decrease in pretreatment ventricular rate or can not convert to sinus rhythm= another dose of diltiazem or 0.2mg cedilanid-D was administered. Blood pressure and electrocardiographic recordings were performed before and after 5,10, 20, 30, 60 minutes of drug administration. Further recordings were performed at 120 minutes in noneffective patients, and at 180 minutes in patients who received second time drug administration. To evaluate the effect on conduction system of these two drugs by measuring PA, AH and HV intervals using His bundle electrogram test another nineteen sinus rhythm patients were randomized to diltiazem (n=9) and cedilanid (n=10) group. His bundle electrogram recordings were performed before and after 5, 10, 20 and 30 minutes of drug administration. Statistical significance was assessed with the use of t test, Fisher’s exact test, ANOVA and LSD methodology. Results At baseline and after 5,10, 20, 30, 60 minutes of drug administration the heart rates (mean±SD) were(133±15), (92±20), (87±22), (85 ±20), (85 ±21), (85 ±23)beats/minute in diltiazem group respectively and( 140±21 ), ( 122±24),(118±25), (110±26), (112±25), (110±28) beats/minute in cedilanid-D group respectively. Heart rate reduction was higher in diltiazem group than cedilanid group during 5 (41±20 vs 17±14,P < 0.01); 10(46±21 vs 22±20, P<0.01); 20 (48±21 vs 29±22,P<0.01 ); 30(48±22 vs 27±22, P<0.01 ) and 60 minutes (48±23 vs 29±24, P< 0.05). Both drugs had no effect on both systolic and diastolic blood pressure (P >0.05)and no major side effects were noticed. Diltiazem maintained effective ventricular rate in 20 patients,whereas cedilanid-D maintained in 15 patients within 180 minutes (95.2%vs 68.2%,P< 0.05). There were no statistical significance in baseline heart rate, age and weight between the two groups. Both diltiazem and cedilanid-D can increase AH interval, but have no effect on HV and PA intervals in sinus rhythm patients.Conclusions Both diltiazem and cedilanid-D decrease ventricular heart rate, but heart rate reduction is significantly higher in diltiazem group, thus should be considered as a drug of choice for emergency control of ventricular rate. Under clinical monitoring this dose of diltiazem seems to be safe and applicable in AF patients with congestive heart failure. Both drugs have no effect on PA and HV intervals but increase the AH interval thereby can reduce ventricular rate.
水稻农林8号m是农林8号通过~(60)CO γ射线辐射诱变获得的一个突变体。遗传分析表明:该突变性状表现为隐性单基因的遗传,在苗期能被0.05%以上的苯达松全部杀死,而其它常规品种则表现为对苯达松的抗性。而且,苯达松敏感致死基因对水稻的农艺性状和杂交优势没有不良的影响。将苯达松敏感致死基因转化到不育系或恢复系中,可以用于保证和提高水稻杂种纯度,革新水稻的制种方法。 将约5万粒农林8号m干种子
甘蔗(Saccharum spp.)是我国最重要的糖料作物和能源作物,蔗糖占我国食糖总产的92%。由黑粉菌(Sporisorium scitamineum, S. scitamineum)引起的甘蔗黑穗病(sugarcane smut),
(三) 结构美好的通讯,总是有个好的结构。通讯作者在一定的写作或报道意图的指导下,根据自己的认识和感受,按照表现主题和反映人物的需要,运用多种手法,进行布局、剪裁、衔
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棉花黄萎病是由大丽轮枝菌引起的土传维管束病害,严重影响棉花的产量和纤维品质,因此抗黄萎病机制研究是棉花种质创新所要解决的关键问题之一。前人已报导LOX和AOS参与了植物的抗病反应,本研究以课题组构建的黄萎病菌胁迫下海岛棉Pima 90-53根组织全长c DNA文库为基础,筛选得到11个LOX和AOS的EST序列。通过同源克隆和RT-PCR技术克隆得到了其对应的基因,分别命名为Gb9-LOX、Gb1