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  (1)一般式:表示的动作通常和谓语动词动作同时发生或者其后发生 例如:
  Tom seems to know everything. 汤姆似乎无所不知。
  I hope to go to Shanghai next week. 我希望下周去上海。
  其否定形式只要在to前面加上not. 典型错误:Try to not be late. Try to don’t be late.尽量不要迟到
  正确的是:Try not to be late.
  (2)进行式:和进行式一样,动词不定式的进行式(to be doing)用于描述在我们谈论的时间正在继续的动作。例如:Don’t pretend to be working seriouly. 不要假装工作很认真。
  I noticed that he seemed to be coughing a lot. 我注意到他似乎咳嗽咳得很厉害。
  (3)完成式:形式为 to have done sth. 用法与过去式和完成式一样。例如:
  I’m sorry to have let you wait for such a long time. 我很抱歉,让你等了那么长时间。
  (4)被动式:当主语是谓语动词的承受者,to be 放在过去分词之前,形式为to be done。例如:Your car requires to be fixed before you go on a trip to Tibet. 在去西藏之前,你的车需要修理好。
  Nothing seems to have been forgotten. 似乎什么也没有被遗忘。
  (1)情态助动词如 will, shall, would, should, can, could, may, might, dear和must之后。例如:
  Must I finish my homework before playing football?我必须完成作业才可以去踢足球吗?
  How dear you call me a liar?你胆敢说我撒谎?
  (2)let, make, hear, watch, notice,help(在非正式文體
  中),及(在少数结构中)have和know。例如:The strict mother doesn’t let her children stay up late even during the holidays. 即使是放假期间,这位严格的母亲也不让她的孩子们很晚才睡。
  Could you help me unload the car?你能帮我把汽车上的东西卸下来吗?
  (3) had better do sth. would rather do sth. have nothing to do but do sth. Why not do sth. 例如:
  You look so tired, you’d better go home and have a good rest. 你看上去很累,最好回家好好休息。
  The twins would rather stay at home on such a rainy day. 这样一个下雨天,双胞胎宁可待在家里。
  We have nothing to do but wait. 除了等待,我们别无选择。
  She was made to pay back the money. 她被迫还了钱。
  She was heard to say that she disagreed. 人们听见她表示不同意。
  (1)作主语 To learn English well is very useful. 学好英语非常有用。
  To master a special skill is of great importance. 掌握一门技术很重要。
  It is of great importance to master a special skill. 掌握一门技术很重要。
  (2)作表语 表示主语的“职业、职责或性质”等 例如:
  My duty is to help children to grow better. 我的任务是帮助孩子们更好地成长。
  Mr Green seemed to know this place very well. 格林先生似乎非常了解这个地方。   (3)作宾语 构成动宾结构 例如:
  My grandpa is learning to use the computer. 我的爷爷正在学习使用电脑。
  (4)作定语 例如:
  She is always the first to come to school. 她总是第一个到校的。
  You must think of a way to protect them. 你必须想出一个办法保护他们。
  (5)作宾语补足语 例如:
  The policeman told the little boy not to play in the street. 警察告诉孩子们不要在街上玩耍。
  The crocodile waited for the monkey to come down. 鳄鱼等着猴子下来。
  A.表示目的 例如:
  To get up late, Tom turn off the alarm. 为了晚点起床,汤姆把闹钟关了。
  To hear the professor clearly, I chose to be seated in the front. 为了听清教授的讲话,我选择了前面的位子。
  B.表示结果 例如:
  He hurried to school, only to find it was Sunday. 他匆忙赶到学校,结果发现是星期天。
  He was too young to join the army. 他还没有到参军的年龄。
  C.表示原因 例如:
  We are very happy to hear the good news. 我们非常高兴听到这个好消息。
  I’m pleased to be invited to talk here. 我很高兴被邀在这里讲话。
  (7)在疑问词how, when, where, what, which等后面作宾语或宾补。例如:
  How to stop polluting the river is a big problem. 如何才能停止对河流的污染是一个大问题。
  The question is how to strat the work. 问题是如何才能开始这项工作。
  1. There is no time left (for sb.) to do sth.沒有时间去做某事 例如:
  There was no time for me to think about it. 我没有时间再考虑这件事了。
  2. It takes sb. time to do sth. 花费某人多少时间做某事 例如:
  It takes Linda half an hour to read English every morning. Linda每天花半个小时读英语。
  3.too 形容词 (for sb.) to do sth. 太……而不能……例如:
  Mary is too young to go to school alone. 玛丽太小了,不能独自上学。
  This maths problem is too hard for us to work it out. 这道数学题太难,我们做不出来。
  4.形容词 enough (for sb.) to do sth 足够……可以……例如:
  Mr Wu is patient enough to repeat grammar rules for us. 吴老师足够有耐心给我们重复语法规则。
  The child is not tall enough to reach the apple on the tree. 孩子不是足够高可以够到树上的苹果。
  5. prefer to do A rather than do B例如:
  He preferred to go to work on foot rather than take a bus. 他宁可步行也不愿意坐公交车上班。
  [2]Michael Swan Practical English Usage著.牛津英语用法指南(翻译本)[M].外语教学与研究出版社,1998.1.
  [4]Catherine Dawson.《牛津初中英语》八年级上册[M].译林出版社,2013.6.
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