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水利工程在工程领域是一项规模庞大而又复杂的系统工程,在施工中除了要综合对地质和土木建筑等多种科学技术应用外还要动用大量的劳动力,在时间和空间的动用也是相当大,在工程施工中施工周期长,成本投入高,因此,影响水利工程工程质量的因素也随之增多。水利工程实际施工中,施工质量的控制尤为重要,在工程质量控制中要结合实际出发,针对各种质量隐患和缺陷严肃对待,以防止造成更大的损失和危害。本文分析了水利工程质量隐患形成因素,阐述了合理有效的控制措施。 Water conservancy projects in the field of engineering is a large and complex systems engineering, construction in addition to comprehensive geological and civil engineering and other science and technology in addition to the use of a large number of labor, the use of time and space is also quite Large, long construction period in the construction, the cost of investment is high, therefore, the factors that affect the quality of water conservancy projects also increased. In the actual construction of water conservancy projects, the control of construction quality is particularly important. In engineering quality control, it is necessary to proceed with the actual conditions and take serious measures to deal with various hidden dangers and defects in quality so as to prevent greater loss and damage. This article analyzes the factors that cause the quality of water conservancy projects and expounds the reasonable and effective control measures.
冠 状动脉血汉速度是冠状动脉血流储备(CFR)的一个重要指标,对评价心肌灌注具有重要意义。该研究采用简单、方便的TIMI计帧法对冠脉造影正常者的静息冠脉血流速度进行测量,并
冠状动脉旁路移植术(CABG)是应用血管桥移植手段以改善窄动脉远端心股缺血。对其疗效评价一般平板运动试验(TET)、动态心电图。但CABG是否能减少心脏性猝死(SD)、改善 预后,目