Microstructures and Creep Behavior of a Directionally Solidified NiAl-Fe(Nb) Multiphase Intermetalli

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cmccetehi
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The microstructure and creep behavior of a DS NiAI-Fe(Nb) multiphase intermetallic alloy have been investigated. This alloyexhibits dendritic structure, in which dendritic arm is β-(Ni,Fe)(Fe,Al) phase surrounded by interdendritic region of γ’/γ phase.The results of the creep test indicated that all of the creep curves have similar characteristic, which is a short primary creepstage and a dominant steady state creep stage, and the creep strain ranges from 18% to 52%. The apparent stress exponentand the apparent activation energy were analyzed and discussed. The mechanism of the creep deformation was also analyzedby the observation of TEM. The microstructure and creep behavior of a Ni-Fe (Nb) multiphase intermetallic alloy have been investigated. This alloy exhibits a dendritic structure in which the dendritic arm is β- (Ni, Fe) (Fe, Al) phase surrounded by interdendritic region of γ ’/ γphase.The results of the creep test indicated that all of the creep curves have similar characteristics, which is a short primary creepstage and a dominant steady state creep stage, and the creep strain ranges from 18% to 52%. stress exponent and the apparent activation energy were analyzed and discussed. The mechanism of the creep deformation was also analyzed by the observation of TEM.
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