
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:julienchen
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Background: A genetic tendency to develop latex IgE responses in children with spina bifida has been suggested, but their degree of exposure to latex as well as the route and chronology for sensitization can be different from those of other children with multiple surgeries. The aim was to study the influence of the type of operation on the development of latex sensitization in children with myelomeningocele. Methods: In 90 children with myelomeningocele operated with latex, data were collected about age, sex, family, and personal history of allergy, serum total IgE, presence of a ventricular-peritoneal (v-p) shunt, and number and duration of operations, classified as urological, orthopedic, on the v-p shunt, other neurosurgical, and others. A multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed, using the presence of latex sensitization as dependent variable. Results: Serum total IgE, the number of urological and of orthopedic operations were synergistic variables to predict latex sensitization, together with the presence of a v-p shunt, but not the number of operations performed on this device. This seems to play an adjuvant role in the process of sensitization. Conclusions: Not only the number, but also the type of operations, namely, of urological and orthopedic nature, is important in the development of latex sensitization in children with myelomeningocele. Background: A genetic tendency to develop latex IgE responses in children with spina bifida has been suggested, but their degree of exposure to latex as well as the route and chronology for sensitization can be different from those of other children with multiple surgeries. The aim was to study the influence of the type of operation on the development of latex sensitization in children with myelomeningocele. Methods: In 90 children with myelomeningocele operated with latex, data were collected about age, sex, family, and personal history of allergy, serum total IgE , presence of a ventricular-peritoneal (vp) shunt, and number and duration of operations, classified as urological, orthopedic, on the vp shunt, other neurosurgical, and others. A multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed, using the presence of latex sensitization as dependent variable. Results: Serum total IgE, the number of urological and of orthopedic operations were synergistic variables to predict latex s ensitization, together with the presence of a vp shunt, but not the number of operations performed on this device. Conclusions: Not only the number, but also the type of operations on this device. , of urological and orthopedic nature, is important in the development of latex sensitization in children with myelomeningocele.
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