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十多年来,美国和中国一直在以保护关键经济和国家安全基础设施免受网络不法行为的名义,进行一场低调的高技术贸易战。但这些贸易限制和补贴表明,两国政府的目标与其说是与网络安全有关,不如说是与工业政策和保护主义有关。几年来,中国的信息与通信技术(ICT)公司实际上已经被美国政府列入黑名单,美国政府一直在积极建议美国电信公司避免购买中国公司的产品。美国外国投资委员会(CFIUS)不止一次对中国信息通信技术公司收购美国公司的意向提出了安全担忧,最终阻止了这些交易的发生。与此同时,旨在将中国推到全球科技前沿,中国特色创新政策经过十年的不断发展,政府已经开始实施一套新的法律,有效要求进口信息与通信技术安全可控。美国公司将其解释为将会有延迟和其他不确定性对其供应链造成不利影响,它们将被迫向中国当局提供产品专有信息,这可能损害其知识产权,阻碍贸易和投资,限制行业合作范围。网络间谍、网络盗窃和网络恐怖主义构成了对基础设施的真正威胁,政府有正当利益和义务去保护这些基础设施。但是,有效的网络安全措施无法在真空中实施,需要考虑利益的权衡。为了实现更好的网络安全,美国和中国可以并且应该采取政策,将有效的统计方法与最佳的商业实践结合起来,同时尽量减少对合法的、促进增长的贸易和投资的干扰。同时,保护主义可以且应当通过世界贸易组织(WTO)的规则和资源解决。 For more than a decade, the United States and China have been conducting a low-key, high-tech trade war in the name of protecting key economic and national security infrastructures from cyber-malfeasance. However, these trade restrictions and subsidies show that the goals of the two governments are not so much related to cyber security as they are to industrial policies and protectionism. In recent years, China’s ICT companies have been blacklisted by the U.S. government. The U.S. government has been actively advising U.S. telecoms companies to avoid buying Chinese companies’ products. More than once, the U.S. foreign investment commission (CFIUS) raised security concerns about the intention of China’s ICT companies to acquire U.S. companies, ultimately preventing these transactions from taking place. In the meantime, with a decade of continuous development aimed at pushing China to the global technological frontier, the government has started to implement a new set of laws that effectively require the safe and controllable import of information and communication technologies. US companies interpret it as having delays and other uncertainties that adversely affect their supply chains and are being forced to provide proprietary information to Chinese authorities that could undermine their intellectual property, hinder trade and investment and restrict industries Scope of cooperation. Cyber ​​spies, cyber-burglary and cyberterrorism pose a real threat to infrastructure, and the government has the legitimate interest and obligation to protect these infrastructure. However, effective cybersecurity measures can not be implemented in a vacuum and need to consider the tradeoff between benefits. In order to achieve better cybersecurity, the United States and China can and should adopt policies that combine effective statistical methods with best business practices while minimizing disruption to legitimate and growth-enhancing trade and investment. At the same time, protectionism can and should be resolved through the rules and resources of the World Trade Organization.