
来源 :东方艺术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yhl_2011
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明末清初鼻烟传入中国后,以玛瑙、水晶、陶瓷、象牙、红木及金银等为原料制作的鼻烟壶应运而生,小小烟壶,因其具有实用和观赏两种功能,又集多种制作工艺于一身,象征着尊贵、和睦和友谊。因此,把玩、收藏鼻烟壶渐而成为一种时尚。 内画烟壶的出现,当在清光绪年间,北京的周乐元、马少宣、叶仲三等均在师承前人的基础上于内画鼻烟壶方面各有建树,并卓然成家。我于50年代末投师著名内画艺术家张文堂、薛京万两先生门下,学习内画艺术。他们悉心传授、指导;我终日痴迷其中,心追手摹,逐步掌握了内画毛笔的性能和内画技艺。之后马少宣先生内画内书合璧的艺术手法又深深地感染和陶冶了我。马老先生的内画作品清新工细,并以题字见长,其内书出自欧体,字体工整,布局严谨,墨色凝重。尤其是其内书艺术,强烈地吸引了我,使我醉心于内书艺术创作的探求,潜心揣摩内书内画的艺术表现形式。数年前我创作了《滕王阁》内画鼻烟壶。在高10cm、外侧宽6.8cm的瓶的一 After the snuff came into China in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, snuff bottles made of agate, crystal, ceramics, ivory, mahogany and gold and silver came into being. Because of its practical and ornamental functions, snuff bottles Set in a variety of production technology in a symbol of dignity, harmony and friendship. Therefore, playing, snuff bottle collection gradually became a fashion. The emergence of a painted tobacco pipe, during the Qing dynasty, Zhou Leyuan, Ma Shaoxuan, Ye Zhongsan and so on in Beijing built their own snuff bottles on the basis of their predecessors. In the late 1950s, I dug under the door of the famous painter Zhang Wentang and Xue Jingwanliang to learn the art of painting. They carefully teach, guide; I obsessed with them all day, heart chase copy, and gradually mastered the performance of brush painting and painting skills. After that, Mr. Ma Shaoxuan, the art of painting the book together, deeply infected and cultivated me. Mr. Ma Lao’s paintings are fresh workmanship and are best known for his inscriptions. His books are from the European style. The characters are neat and the layout is rigorous. In particular, the art of his internal book strongly attracted me and made me devoted to the exploration of the art creation inside the book, devoting myself to painstakingly trying to figure out the artistic expression in the book. A few years ago I created “Teng Wang Pavilion” painted snuff bottle. One at a height of 10cm and a width of 6.8cm on the outside
无线能量传输技术(WPT),又称非接触能量传输(Contactless Power Transmission,CPT)技术,顾名思义,即以非接触的无线方式实现电源与用电设备之间的能量传输.本文介绍了无线充
电子纸(Electronic paper或E-paper)是"像纸张(或纸板)一样,具备记忆功能并采用反射式、可重复变更内容的显示器".本文介绍了电子纸既具备传统纸张的特点,又具有电子设备的优