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在学校里经常会有学生把捡到的红领巾交给我,却很少有人来认领。不到一个学期,抽屉里已装满了队员们捡来的红领巾。面对这么多红领巾,我的心情变得沉重起来。现在的老人若有机会再戴上红领巾,会热泪盈眶,现在的中青年人若有机会再戴上它,也会激动不已。为何现在有的学生把这充满神圣与自豪的红领巾看得轻描淡写、无足轻重?如今,红领巾在队员眼里到底扮演着怎样的角色?他们对待红领巾的真实心理是什么? There are often students in the school to pick up the red scarf to me, but very few people claim. Less than a semester, the drawer was filled with red scarves picked up by team members. In the face of so many red scarves, my mood has become heavy. If the elderly now have the chance to wear a red scarf, they will have tears in their eyes. Now that young people have the chance to wear it again, they will also be very excited. Why do some students now take this full of sacred and proud red scarf to underestimate, insignificant? Now, the red scarf in the eyes of team members in the end what kind of role? What are the true psychological treatment of red scarf?
我国铝工业发展面临的压力国际竞争压力剧增。从外部看,加入W TO后,市场彻底融通无国界,关税不断下降,铝工业竞争的国际化已是“零距离”,技术、资本运作、原材料和初级产品
A statistical model of dynamic spall damage due to void nucleation and growth is proposed for ductile materials under intense loading, which takes into account
我院五年问1968例老年手术患者中,发生围手术期AMI 有6例,发生率0.3%。年龄61~86岁。右半结肠切除术2例,子宫全切除术、前列腺切除术、右额顶叶肿瘤切除术及胆囊切除术各1例
Based on molecular force fields,a new finite element model is constructed for multi-walled carbon nanotubes where the interlayer interactions and C--C bonds are
在看这篇文章之前,小编要先声明一下:提倡尊老爱幼和礼貌待人!这是我们中华民族的美德! Before looking at this article, Xiaobian must first declare: advocating respec