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我的故乡地处层峦叠嶂之中,现代交通工具在乡亲们的生活中作用不甚显著,骡马却与千家万户“柴米油盐酱醋茶”的生活息息相关。清晨,人们把架箩往骡马背上一搭,或镰刀或斧头或锄头往架箩里一放,缰绳一抖,骡马便昂起头,“嗒嗒嗒”地迈开四蹄。若在架箩中盛了粪土,一根小荆条往骡 My hometown is located amidst the layers of the mountains and the modern modes of transportation play a less significant role in the lives of villagers. However, the mules and horses are closely linked with the lives of thousands of families. Early in the morning, people put their racks on the back of a mule horse, or a sickle or an ax or a hoe to the racks. When the reins start to flick, the mules raise their heads and start their hoofs in a rattling manner. If you fill the dung in the dung, a small vitek to mules
生日是一根线,生日是一个圈,生日是一条河……《生日寄语》中饱含着我对外婆深深的思念。  生日是一根线,一头是我,另一头是外婆;生日是一个圆,圈住外婆的笑,圈住我的记忆;生日是一条河,那匆匆的流水,把我的思念带到外婆的身边。  外婆的生日是歌,那样深沉,那样委婉;我的生日是诗,写完幼稚又写成熟。外婆记得我的生日,却记不住她自己的生日;我记得外婆的生日,而记不住我自己的生日。我说:“外婆,你记性一点儿
回忆痛苦的往事时, 会流眼泪。 辛勤努力地劳动时, 会滴汗水。 眼泪总在人生路上体验悲喜, 汗水总在成长路上增添乐趣。 眼泪能使汗水显得更加美丽, 汗水能让眼泪变得格外珍贵。
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