
Coulomb explosion of nanodroplets drives the conversion of laser energy to nuclear energy

来源 :HighPowerLaserScienceandEngineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiancyp
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Theoretical–computational studies of table-top laser-driven nuclear fusion of high-energy (up to 15 MeV) deuterons with , , and D nuclei demonstrate the attainment of high fusion yields within a source–target reaction design. This constitutes a source of Coulomb-exploding deuterium nanodroplets driven by an ultraintense femtosecond near-infrared laser and a solid hollow cylindrical target containing the second element. The source–target reaction design attains the highest table-top fusion efficiencies (up to per laser pulse) obtained to date. The highest conversion efficiency of laser energy to nuclear energy ( for table-top DD fusion attained in the source–target design is comparable to that for DT fusion currently accomplished for ‘big science’ inertial fusion setups.
We are very pleased and honored to have the opportunity to dedicate a series of papers to our dear friend, mentor and colleague, Valery V. Tuchin, to commemorate the occasion of his 70th birthday. Prof. Tuchin is one of the founders of the Biophotonics fi
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对基于808 nm端面抽运的半导体可饱和吸收镜(SESAM)锁模Nd∶YVO4激光器的输出特性进行研究,通过选择不同透过率的输出镜,设计一套针对不同输出功率需求的锁模激光器方案。首先系统地研究输出镜透过率对激光锁模功率和阈值的影响,当输出镜透过率为10%,抽运功率为8 W时,得到最高输出功率为2.58 W的连续锁模脉冲输出,转换效率为32.3%。当输出镜透过率为0.1%,抽运功率为1 W时,得到低阈值连续锁模脉冲输出,输出功率为0.58 mW。然后自主搭建自相关光路测量锁模脉冲,结合自相关曲线分析锁模激光
The low modulation bandwidth of deep-ultraviolet (UV) light sources is considered as the main reason limiting the data transmission rate of deep-UV communications. Here, we present high-bandwidth III-nitride micro-light-emitting diodes (μLEDs) emitting in
We present a high-peak-power, near-infrared laser system based on optical parametric chirped pulse amplification pumped by a home-built picosecond pumping laser, which can generate over 40 mJ energy at 1450 nm center wavelength and operate at 100 Hz repet
模式耦合、弯曲畸变、弯曲损耗是大模场光纤激光中重要的考虑因素。为了研究模场畸变对于大模场光纤光束质量的影响,理论研究了阶跃光纤的模式耦合和模场畸变的特性。计算了有效弯曲半径经历渐变和突变情况下,模式功率随传播距离和有效弯曲半径的关系。数值计算结果显示,弯曲半径经历匀滑的变化过渡到直光纤,当最小有效弯曲半径大于3 cm时,畸变基模激发的高阶模就可以忽略。而弯曲半径经历突然的变化过渡到直光纤,这个最小弯曲半径需大于20 cm时,畸变基模激发的高阶模才可以忽略。
针对室内可见光定位接收光功率不均匀、定位精度低等问题,提出一种自适应花授粉定量式灯源优化方案结合改进径向基函数(RBF)的神经网络接收信号强度指示(RSSI)可见光定位方法。所提方法采用自适应花授粉算法优化发射器的光照强度;通过基于改进RBF神经网络的RSSI定位方法处理接收到的均匀光信号,实现精确有效定位。利用核主成分分析K-means (KPCA-K-means )聚类模型对RSSI样本值进行预处理,得到最优聚类数目和聚类中心,作为隐含层神经元个数和中心值。通过遗传算法-最小均方(GA-LMS)模