An effective method for improving the accuracy of Argo objective analysis

来源 :Acta Oceanologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:raun395924241
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Based on the optimal interpolation objective analysis of the Argo data,improvements are made to the empirical formula of a background error covariance matrix widely used in data assimilation and objective analysis systems.Specifically,an estimation of correlation scales that can improve effectively the accuracy of Argo objective analysis has been developed.This method can automatically adapt to the gradient change of a variable and is referred to as “gradient-dependent correlation scale method”.Its effect on the Argo objective analysis is verilied theoretically with Gaussian pulse and spectrum analysis.The results of one-dimensional simulation experiment show that the gradient-dependent correlation scales can improve the adaptability of the objective analysis system,making it possible for the analysis scheme to fully absorb the shortwave information of observation in areas with larger oceanographic gradients.The new scheme is applied to the Argo data objective analysis system in the Pacific Ocean.The results are obviously improved. Based on the optimal interpolation objective analysis of the Argo data, improvements are made to the empirical formula of a background error covariance matrix widely used in data assimilation and objective analysis systems. Specifically, an estimation of correlation scales that can improve effectively the accuracy of Argo objective analysis has been developed. This method can automatically adapt to the gradient change of a variable and is referred to as “gradient-dependent correlation scale method.” Its effect on the Argo objective analysis is verilied theoretically with Gaussian pulse and spectrum analysis The results of one-dimensional simulation experiment show that the gradient-dependent correlation scales can improve the adaptability of the objective analysis system, making it possible for the analysis scheme to fully absorb the shortwave information of observation in areas with larger oceanographic gradients. new scheme is applied to the Argo data objective analysis system in the Pacific Ocean.The results are obviously improved.
《南风》杂志官方约稿函  《南风》是贵州省文联主管主办的综合文化类杂志,创刊于1980年,是一本以城市心情、爱情故事为主体内容的青春文学杂志。  杂志的主要读者群为15~3
一 黄陂县百花公社建国大队是个丘陵黄棕壤地区。土质瘠薄,酸性较重。土壤有机质含量2%左右,全氮0.1%左右,速效氮34—40ppm,有效磷5ppm左右(奥尔逊法)。全大队有水田540亩,旱