The design of a photonic crystal filter in the terahertz range

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ggqfighter
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One-dimensional photonic crystal structures for multiple channeled filtering and polarization selective filtering in the terahertz (THz) range are studied theoretically.The design of aperiodic photonic quantum-well (APQW) structures for multiple channeled filtering and different polarization filtering at arbitrary preassigned frequencies are achieved by using the simulated annealing algorithm with a special merit function.The parameters of these filters can be expediently controlled and the transmission characters are polarization dependent.Numerical simulations show that the designed APQWs can meet the desired specification well. One-dimensional photonic crystal structures for multiple channeled filtering and polarization selective filtering in the terahertz (THz) range are studied theoretically. The design of aperiodic photonic quantum-well (APQW) structures for multiple channeled filtering and different polarization filtering at arbitrary preassigned frequencies are achieved by using the simulated annealing algorithm with a special merit function. These parameters of these filters can be expediently controlled and the transmission characters are polarization dependent. Numerical simulations show that the designed APQWs can meet the desired specification well.
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