《炎黄风情 十二首双钢琴曲》的艺术价值

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《炎黄风情·十二首双钢琴曲》的艺术价值还体现在对双钢琴改编的成功尝试以及在作曲技术上对双钢琴体裁进行了一次很有意义的探索之上。好的作品仅仅有好的题材是不够的,还应该在好题材之上进行匠心独运的加工,嵌入编创作者自己的智慧,方能使作品源散发更加夺目的光彩。 The artistic value of the “Yanhuang style · Twelve Piano Pieces” is also reflected in the successful attempt to adapt the double piano and the meaningful exploration of the double piano genre in the composition technique. It is not enough for a good work to have only a good subject, but also to work creatively on top of the good subject and to embed the author’s own wisdom in order to make the work source more brilliant.
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