Prediction of remnant volatile matter in the semicokes from coal partial gasification

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ayun2009
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The semicokes from different coals were prepared under various temperatures by partial gasification method in a fixed bed.According to the analysis of the Vdaf in the coals and semicokes,a new method is presented to predict the content of remnant volatile matter in the semicokes from coal partial gasification.The two fuel character indexes FV and FC were introduced to symbolize the second volatilized temperature and the fully volatilized temperature respectively.Then according to the proximate and ultimate analysis data of raw coal,the content of Vdaf in the semicokes prepared under various temperatures can be predicted. The semicokes from different coals were prepared under various temperatures by partial gasification method in a fixed bed. According to the analysis of the analysis of the Vdaf in the coals and semicokes, a new method is presented to predict the content of remnant volatile matter in the semicokes from coal partial gasification. The two fuel character indexes FV and FC were introduced to symbolize the second volatilized temperature and the fully volatilized temperature respectively. According to the proximate and ultimate analysis data of raw coal, the content of Vdaf in the semicokes prepared for more during temperatures can be predicted.
一、低产原因分析黑土的低产原因是多方面的,概括起来是:涝、旱、瘦、僵。(一) 涝:黑土分布在河間平原地区,地形平坦,甚至为封閉洼地,加上区内河道淤塞,沟洫不多,而本区雨量
农民在长期生产实践中积累了通过正确轮作倒茬,有节奏地恢复和提高土壤肥力的宝贵经验.本文根据在河南省长葛县被胡公社的调查资料,谈谈对这些经验的粗浅看法. In the long-