Numerical simulations of flow and sediment transport within the Ning-Meng reach of the Yellow River,

来源 :Journal of Arid Land | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jjjcccfff
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Effective management of a river reach requires a sound understanding of flow and sediment transport generated by varying natural and artificial runoff conditions. Flow and sediment transport within the Ning-Meng reach of the Yellow River(NMRYR), northern China are controlled by a complex set of factors/processes, mainly including four sets of factors:(1) aeolian sediments from deserts bordering the main stream;(2) inflow of water and sediment from numerous tributaries;(3) impoundment of water by reservoir/hydro-junction; and(4) complex diversion and return of irrigation water. In this study, the 1-D flow & sediment transport model developed by the Yellow River Institute of Hydraulic Research was used to simulate the flow and sediment transport within the NMRYR from 2001 to 2012. All four sets of factors that primarily control the flow and sediment transport mentioned above were considered in this model. Compared to the measured data collected from the hydrological stations along the NMRYR, the simulated flow and sediment transport values were generally acceptable, with relative mean deviation between measured and simulated values of <15%. However, simulated sediment concentration and siltation values within two sub-reaches(i.e., Qingtongxia Reservoir to Bayan Gol Hydrological Station and Bayan Gol Hydrological Station to Toudaoguai Hydrological Station) for some periods exhibited relatively large errors(the relative mean deviations between measured and simulated values of 18% and 25%, respectively). These errors are presumably related to the inability to accurately determine the quantity of aeolian sediment influx to the river reach and the inflow of water from the ten ephemeral tributaries. This study may provide some valuable insights into the numerical simulations of flow and sediment transport in large watersheds and also provide a useful model for the effective management of the NMRYR. Effective management of a river reach requires a sound understanding of flow and sediment transport generated by varying natural and artificial runoff conditions. Flow and sediment transport within the Ning-Meng reach of the Yellow River (NMRYR), northern China are controlled by a complex set (2) inflow of water and sediment from numerous tributaries; (3) impoundment of water by reservoir / hydro-junction; and (4) complex diversion and return of irrigation water. In this study, the 1-D flow & sediment transport model developed by the Yellow River Institute of Hydraulic Research was used to simulate the flow and sediment transport within the NMRYR from 2001 to 2012. All four sets of factors that above control were flow and sediment transport mentioned above were considered in this model. Compared to the measured data collected from the hydrological stations along the NM RYR, the simulated flow and sediment transport values ​​were generally acceptable, with relative mean deviation between measured and simulated values ​​of <15%. However, simulated sediment concentration and siltation values ​​within two sub-reaches (ie, Qingtongxia Reservoir to Bayan Gol Hydrological Station and Bayan Gol Hydrological Station to Toudaoguai Hydrological Station for some periods illuminated relatively large errors (the relative mean deviations between measured and simulated values ​​of 18% and 25%, respectively). These errors are presumably related to the inability to accurately determine the quantity of aeolian sediment influx to the river reach and the inflow of water from the ten ephemeral tributaries. This study may provide some valuable insights into the numerical simulations of flow and sediment transport in large watersheds and also provide a useful model for the effective management of the NMRYR.
该研究(Horm Metab Res.2007 Sep;39(9):683-6.)显示慢性持续性高血糖症会导致过高的糖化反应和氧化应激的形成,通常由HbA1c来评估。因而,慢性持续性高血糖已被认为是引起糖尿病并
1981年对于改革开放后中国实行和平统一工程来说,是一个最关键的年头。这一年所决定的关于台湾问题、关于香港问题的事情,都对后来历史的发展起着极其重要的影响,而且几乎都与这两个人的名字联系在一起:邓小平与廖承志。  廖仲恺是陈香梅外祖父廖凤舒的胞弟,是陈香梅的舅公,廖承志是她的舅父。  1980年11月美国大选中里根获胜。因里根与台湾关系很好,在竞选时有人说新总统又要重新承认“台湾当局”了。对此,里