President Xi Jinping's Boao Insights

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In this age of economic globalization, openness and integration is an unstoppable historical trend. Attempts to “erect walls” or “decouple” run counter to the law of economics and market principles. They would hurt others\' interests without benefiting oneself.
The year 2021 saw the world economy largely bounce back to its pre-pandemic levels, but the recovery pace may decelerate this year. COVID-19 resurgences, the Russia-Ukraine conflict and hiking global inflation all weigh on the global outlook for 2022.rnTh
第二十四届冬季奥林匹克运动会闭幕式2月20日晚在国家体育场隆重举行.习近平、李克强、栗战书、汪洋、王沪宁、赵乐际、韩正、王岐山等党和国家领导人,国际奥委会主席巴赫出席闭幕式.rn从2008年百年奥运梦圆,到2022年与奥林匹克运动再度携手,北京成为历史上首座“双奥之城”.过去16天,北京见证竞技体育的荣耀与梦想,凝聚人类社会的团结与友谊.五环旗下,来自91个国家和地区的近3000名运动员奋力拼搏、挑战极限、超越自我,刷新了 2项世界纪录和17项冬奥会纪录,奏响“更快、更高、更强——更团结”的华彩乐章.中国
Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi\'s recent participation in an Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) conference in Islamabad, Pakistan, is historic. For the first time, the top diplomat of the People\'s Republic of China (PRC)
According to the Cur r ency Composition of Official Foreign Exchange Reserve released by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on March 31, in the fourth quarter of 2021, the renminbi (RMB) share in global foreign exchange reserves edged up to 2.79 percen
One would be hard-pressed to find anyone who would describe the rear quarters of the BMW X5 as “cramped.” It\'s positively spacious, in fact. But in China, where legroom matters most, the regular model just won\'t do. So, in response to the world\'s
Entering China in the late 20th century, U.S.-based Boston Consulting Group (BCG) has been observing the Chinese market for decades. The company is a member of the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA), a platform for promoting regional economic integration. This yea
Chen ZongliernI volunteered to work for the then newly founded Tibet Daily in July 1956. They were short of hands, especially photographers. I had taken pho-tos for the Central Newsreel and Documentary Film Studio in Beijing before that.rnThere were three
In contemporary international discourse, the “global China” concept, as it\'s generally used, risks imagining China in the first instance as a hegemony-seeking project. Some explain this as a reasonable position to assert within a realist international
For Mexican professor Gerardo del Rivero Maldonado, holding a Ph.D. in economics from the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico (UAEM), China\'s unprecedented economic growth can be attributed to the large investment its government has poured int