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在全国数百万集邮爱好者中,专门或偏重于从事集邮文献收藏与研究的人并不多,笔者经营集邮文献多年,所结识的集邮文献爱好者也不过千余人。正如我国集邮文献收藏家刘肇宁所说:我国的集邮文献收藏与研究活动才刚刚起步,发展前景十分广阔,随着人们对邮识的重要性的认识的增加,将会有越来越多的集邮者加入到收藏集邮文献的行列中来。关于这一点,笔者从日常的经营实践中已经深切体会到了。在笔者所结识的集邮文献爱好者当中,既有资深集邮家和邮学家,也有普通集邮爱好者;既有高级知识分子,也有厂矿工人、农民和个体工商户,他们都是出 Of the millions philatelic enthusiasts nationwide, there are not many people who devote themselves exclusively or exclusively to the collection and research of philatelic documents. The author has been studying philatelic literature for more than a thousand years and knows more than a thousand philatelic literature enthusiasts. Just as Liu Zhaoning, a collector of philatelic documents in our country, said: The collection and research of philatelic documents in our country have just started. The development prospect is very broad. As people become more aware of the importance of phishing, there will be more and more philately Add to the collection of Philatelic literature in the ranks. In this regard, the author from the day-to-day management practices have been deeply realized. Among the philatelic literary fans I know, both experienced philatelist and postman, as well as ordinary philatelic enthusiasts; both high-level intellectuals, as well as miners, peasants and individual industrial and commercial households, they are out
1:c吾 …’’ 一~一每分钟70拍亲切地 陈晓涛、姜延辉词一姜 延 辉曲一谕.1— 1 1· 3 l 8 5· 1 啊f飞一{f飞一I f15 一 I 5 — 1 6 一 I 6一 l 7 一 I 7(伴)啊/——、1 7·3
本文主要介绍采用等离子体选址的等离子开关驱动LCD的技术。 This paper mainly introduces plasma-driven plasma switch-driven LCD technology.
  目的 探讨脑室腹腔分流术患者的术后护理对策。方法 对2008年1月-2010年5月在我院行脑室腹腔分流术的14例脑积水患者的临床资料进行分析,并对脑室腹腔分流术的手术操作要