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2011年4月29日,位于天津街新天百地下一层的“台宝我家”商城隆重启幕。大连市人民政府副秘书长、市台办主任于建军,大连市委统战部副部长、市工商联党组书记郭成安,大连市贸促会、国际商会会长李泊洲、台北世界贸易中心东北办事处主任齐立人以及大连新天百有限公司董事长邹云光,市经合办副主任李居昌、市质监局副局长刘新建、市工商联副主席李国年、中山区政法委书记胡家耿、市台商协会会长蔡再兴、市连锁经营协会秘书长赵顺等相关领导出席了开业庆典。 On April 29th, 2011, the reopening screen of “Taibao My Home” and “Grand Mall” on the basement floor of Xintianbai, Tianjin Street. Deputy Secretary-General of the People’s Government of Dalian City and Director of the Taiwan Affairs Office Yu Jianjun, Vice Minister of the United Front Department of Dalian Municipal Committee, Secretary of the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce Guo Chengan, Chairman of the Dalian Municipal Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Chairman of the International Chamber of Commerce Li Bozhou, and Director of the Northeast Office of the Taipei World Trade Center Qi Liren And Zou Yunguang, Chairman of Dalian Xintianbai Co., Ltd., Li Juchang, Deputy Director of the Municipal Economic Cooperation Office, Liu Xinjian, Deputy Director of the Municipal Quality Supervision Bureau, Li Guoian, Vice Chairman of the Municipal Industry and Commerce Federation, Hu Jiaxuan, Secretary of the Political and Law Committee of Zhongshan District, and Cai Zaixing, President of the Taiwan Business Association, Zhao Shun, Secretary-General of the Municipal Chain Stores Association, and other relevant leaders attended the opening ceremony.
理解标题除文章内容外不可忽略英语口语常识。 《大学英语》教材中有一课叫“The Professor And The Yo-Yo”,其参考书译为;“教授与玩具悠悠”。参考书对Yo-Yo的英语释意为
做喜欢的,享自由  2005年夏天,徐朝慧自深圳大学毕业,就职于深圳一家高端茶收藏公司,专注于茶品包装,她亦在茶香氤氲中修炼得优雅知性,结识了众多业内朋友。2009年春天,徐朝慧向老板递交辞呈。一个人飞到千里之外的成都,尝美食、游古镇、品香茗,优游自在。  有天下午,徐朝慧坐在古朴的清代老街宽巷子喝茶,突然从高大的银杏树下闪过一个女孩,手里拎着最新出版的国家地理杂志,素面朝天,笑脸熟悉而久违。  
If the O. J. Simpson case has taught anything, it’s that finding out the truth isn’t always the highest priority in a criminal trial. Winning is. That’s the
美国影片的分级制始于1968年11月1日,由美国电影协会(the Motion Picture Associationof America)和全国剧院协会(the National Association of Theater Owners)发起,负责在