
来源 :山东文艺 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haq1227
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同志们: 这次省文联全委扩大会议,是在华主席为首的党中央率领我们抓纲治国,进行新的长征的大好形势下召开的。会议将学习和贯彻华主席、党中央关于文艺问题的一系列重要指示,深入揭批林彪、“四人帮”破坏文艺事业、推行假左真右的反革命修正主义文艺路线的罪行,讨论研究如何繁荣我省的文艺创作,为新时期总任务服务的问题。这是我省文艺界粉碎“四人帮”以后召开的拨乱反正的一次重要会议。我向大会和全体委员、代表致以热烈的祝贺! 省文联自成立以来,在毛主席革命路线的指引下,积极组织作家、艺术家和广大文艺工 Comrades: This enlarged meeting of the provincial Federation of Literary, People’s Federation members is convened under the excellent situation led by Chairman Hua’s leadership by the Central Committee of the Party to lead us in grasping the rule of state and running the country for a new long march. The conference will study and carry out a series of important directives on Chairman Hua and the Central Party’s Central Committee on literary and art issues, thoroughly expose and excuse crimes committed by Lin Biao and the Gang of Four in vandalizing the cause of literature and art, and promoting the counterrevolutionary revisionist line of art of Falun Dafa Right and discussing how to prosper me Literary and artistic creation in the province, serving the general tasks of the new era. This is an important meeting held by the literary and art circles in our province to smash the chaos after the smashing of the “gang of four.” I extend my warm congratulation to the General Assembly and all the members and representatives. Since its founding, the provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles has actively organized writers, artists and vast literary and art workers under the guidance of Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line
  Aims: This study examined the association between adverse childhood experiences and lifetime risk of suicide attempts among alcoholic patients in Taiwan.Met
  Background: Ambivalence towards life and death has been identified by Shneidman, Farberow, Kovacs and Beck, and others as a primary and defining attribute o
目的初步探讨支持向量机(support vector machines,简称SVMs)模型在有机溶剂职业危害评价中的应用。方法选择17家使用有机溶剂企业,对其使用有机溶剂作业进行调查,根据现场检
  Background: Suicide is an important problem for social safety and health.This phenomenon is costly for remedy.Suicidal thoughts have been found to be increa
目的调查了解攀枝花市不同生境蚊类种群密度及季节消长情况。方法按《全国病媒生物监测方案(试行)》要求,采用诱蚊灯法诱捕成蚊,并对捕获蚊虫进行分类鉴定。结果 2009-2013年
  The Suicide Prevention Program (SPP) of the Community Mental Health Centres (CMHC) started at the end of 1997 with a contract between the Flemish government