
来源 :中华卫生杀虫药械 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:
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目的掌握并整治病媒生物孳生场所,制定分类处理措施,高效、有序强化病媒生物综合防治力度,努力降低病媒生物密度,提高合格率,全面达到《国家卫生城市标准》。方法按照《泸州市病媒生物综合防治技术方案》,有针对性地对病媒生物孳生地展开地毯式的摸底调查。结果本次共摸底调查泸州市三区病媒生物孳生地10 978处,其中5 891处有蝇类孳生,阳性率为53.66%;2 716处有蚊类孳生,阳性率为24.74%;4 454处有鼠类孳生,阳性率为40.57%;2 549处有蟑螂孳生,阳性率为23.22%。城市病媒生物孳生地主要有公共环境类、垃圾类、粪便类与小型积水以及建筑工地等部分行业场所,孳生地数量多、分布广、孳生严重。结论对城市病媒生物孳生地的改造要分门别类,突出重点,对各类孳生地进行室内室外卫生彻底大扫除,大力整治环境,消除病媒生物的孳生栖息场所。 Objectives To control and rehabilitate vector breeding sites and formulate classification treatment measures to effectively and systematically strengthen the comprehensive prevention and control of vector organisms and strive to reduce the vector density and improve the pass rate so as to fully meet the requirements of the “National Health City Standard”. Methods According to “Luzhou integrated vector control program”, a targeted investigation of vector-borne biotopes. Results A total of 10 978 vectors were found in the three districts of Luzhou City. Among them, 5 891 had flies breeding, with a positive rate of 53.66%. There were mosquitoes breeding at 2 716, with a positive rate of 24.74%; 4 454 Department of rodents breeding, the positive rate was 40.57%; 2 549 cockroaches breeding, the positive rate was 23.22%. Urban vector breeding areas are mainly public environment, garbage, feces and small water and construction sites and some other places, breeding a large number, wide distribution, breeding serious. Conclusion The transformation of vector breeding sites in urban areas should be divided into different categories, with emphasis on key points. All kinds of breeding places should be thoroughly cleaned by indoor and outdoor sanitation, vigorously remediation of the environment and elimination of vector-borne habitats.
1类风湿关节炎(R A)和类风湿血管炎(R V)R A是一种以关节滑膜炎为特征的慢性全身性自身免疫性疾病,关节炎主要影响外周关节,通常呈对称性,呈交替缓解和复发的临床进程。R A病
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