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“文本”作为文学的一个重要范畴有着相当重要的意义。有不少传统文本具有“超文本”性,而在“数字化生存”的时代,“超文本”作为网络世界最为流行的表意媒介,它以“比特”方式更大程度地唤醒了文本的开放性、自主性、互动性。“超文本”以“去中心”和不确定的非线性“在线写读”方式解构传统、颠覆本质,在与后现代主义的相互唱和中,改变了文学的生存环境和存在方式。在令人难以想象的赛博空间里,网络文学所营造的“话语狂欢之境”交织着欣喜与隐忧——它异彩纷呈、前景无限却又充满陷阱与危机。“超文本”的崛起不仅是当代文学世纪大转折的根本性标志,而且也是理解文学媒介化、图像化、游戏化、快餐化、肉身化、博客化等时代大势的核心内容与逻辑前提。更重要的是,“超文本”正在悄然地改写关于文学与审美的思维方式和价值标准。 “Text” as an important category of literature has a very important significance. Many traditional texts have the character of “hypertext”. In the era of “digitized existence”, “hypertext” as the most popular ideographic medium in the online world has awakened the openness of the text to a greater degree by means of “bit” , Autonomy, interaction. “Hypertext” is to deconstruct tradition and subvert the essence by “going to the center” and indefinite non-linear “online writing”. In the mutual singing with postmodernism, “Hypertext” has changed the existence environment and existence mode of literature. In the unimaginable cyberspace, the “discourse of carnival” created by cyber literature is intertwined with joy and hidden worries - it is colorful, promising but full of traps and crises. The rise of “hypertext” is not only the fundamental symbol of the great turning-point of the contemporary literature, but also the core content and logical premise for understanding the general trend of the times such as literary mediaization, imageization, gamification, fast foodization, inculcation and blogging. More importantly, “hypertext” is quietly rewriting ways of thinking and values ​​about literature and aesthetics.
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