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我国民营企业的成长环境一直是残缺不全的,一些民营企业在发展中屡屡犯规。个别民企经营者热衷于投机取巧,自以为离权力很近,可以得到别人得不到的土地、贷款和上市资格,迅速暴富,结果无不导致企业信誉度不足,不仅自身非常危险,而且毒害了民营企业的整体发展环境。在这方面,远有牟其中、禹作敏,近有杨斌、周正毅和孙大午。人们还记得,去年年初,所谓民营企业“原罪”问题的争论铺天盖地。紧接着,由“郎顾之争”引发的国有资产流失问题,由“铁本事件”引发的宏观调控是否针对民营企业的问题,由个别民营企业违规操作引发的社会质疑问题,等等。从这个意义上说,2月24日国务院正式出台《关于鼓励支持和引导个体私营等非公有制经济发展的若干意见》,表明中央对非公有制经济的主流是肯定的。但这个建国55年来第一部以促进非公有制经济发展为主题的中央政府文件,能否如各界预期,彻底消除对民营企业的歧视,真正实现“非禁即入”,关键还在于政策能否在具体细则上有所突破,能否在自上而下的贯彻中得到真正落实。经历了风雨历程的民营企业家群体,如果能够成熟壮大到运用整体的力量影响政策的制定过程,自觉地参与到政策讨论和政策落实中,这才是一个真正能够落到实处的政策。 The growth environment of private-owned enterprises in our country has always been incomplete. Some private-owned enterprises have repeatedly violated their laws and regulations in their development. Individual private operators keen on opportunistic, self-righteous power from the very close, you can get other people’s land, loans and listing qualifications, the rapid riches, the result led to lack of business credibility, not only its own very dangerous, but also poisoned the private sector Enterprise’s overall development environment. In this respect, Mou Muzhong and Yu Zuomin far have Yang Bin, Zhou Zhengyi and Sun Dawu. People still remember that the controversy over the issue of “original sin” in the so-called private enterprises was overwhelming at the beginning of last year. Shortly afterwards, the problem of the loss of State-owned assets caused by the “war against Lang Gu”, the question of whether macroeconomic regulation and control triggered by “ironclad incidents” is directed at private-owned enterprises, the social questioning caused by the irregular operation of individual private-owned enterprises, and so on. In this sense, on February 24, the State Council formally promulgated the “Opinions on Encouraging and Supporting the Development of Non-Public-Owned Economy such as Individual and Private Enterprises,” which shows that the mainstream of the non-public ownership economy in the Central Government is affirmative. However, whether the Central Government document, the first one to promote the development of the non-public sector of the economy in the 55 years after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, can be expected to completely eliminate discrimination against private-owned enterprises and truly realize “non-forbidden entry” depends on whether the policy can Breakthroughs have been made in the detailed rules and can be truly implemented in top-down implementation. Private entrepreneurs who have gone through a stormy history can become a real and achievable policy if they can mature and grow to use the power of the whole to influence the formulation of policies and consciously participate in policy discussions and policy implementation.
一、问题 1、产权不明,难以调动广大农民的积极性。现阶段,山西省林业生态建设无论是小流域治理还是“四荒”拍卖,广大农民都投入了巨大的财力、物力,但是由于对自己的治理
随着药物洗脱支架(Drug Eluting Stent,DES)的出现,再狭窄的问题得到进一步的有效控制,目前的临床证据表明DES总的再狭窄率已经在10%以下。但DES的支架内再狭窄ISR仍是临床介