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王文志1977~1981年北京宣武医院神经外科临床医师;1981~2006年北京市神经外科研究所神经流行病学研究室;1988年起任全国脑血管病防治研究办公室主任;1993年赴美国哈佛大学医学院社会医学系学习并完成合作课题;1995年起任北京市神经外科研究所流行病室主任;1998年晋升为主任医师;2000年取得首都医科大学硕士研究生导师资格;2006年破格获得博士研究生导师资格。多年来从事神经流行病学研究专业,主要是脑血管病、癫痫、老年痴呆等常见神经疾病的流行病学及社区人群防治措施的研究。曾先后承担国家“七五”、“八五”、“九五”、“十五”、“十一五”脑血管病防治研究攻关课题及国际合作课题多项。近年共发表学术论文50多篇,主编或合作主编出版专著3部,参加编写专著8部。科研成果曾获北京市科技进步奖和卫生部科技进步奖多项;2007年获国家教育部科技进步一等奖。1996年荣获北京市先进科普工作者称号。现兼任中华医学会神经病学分会脑血管病学组副组长、北京康复医学会常务理事、中国康复医学会脑血管病专业委员会副主任委员、北京高血压防治协会理事、北京脑血管病防治协会理事、中国抗癫痫协会常务理事以及国内15家专业学术杂志的编委。 Wang Wenzhi 1977 ~ 1981 Beijing Xuanwu Hospital Neurosurgery Clinician; 1981-2006 Beijing Institute of Neurosurgery Neuropathology Laboratory; 1988 served as director of the National Cerebrovascular Disease Research Office; 1993 to the United States of America Harvard University Medicine Department of Sociology of Medicine to learn and complete the subject of cooperation; since 1995, Beijing Institute of Neurosurgery Epidemic room director; 1998 was promoted to chief physician; Capital Medical University in 2000 made a master’s tutor qualifications; 2006 won the qualification of doctoral tutor . He has been engaged in the research of neuroepidemiology for many years, mainly studying the epidemiology of common neurological diseases such as cerebrovascular disease, epilepsy and Alzheimer’s disease, as well as the prevention and control measures of community population. Has undertaken the national “75 ”, “85 ”, “95 ”, “fifteen ”, “Eleventh Five ” research project of prevention and treatment of cerebrovascular disease and international cooperation project Many. In recent years, a total of more than 50 academic papers published, editor or co-editor of 3 monographs published, participated in the preparation of monographs 8. Scientific research achievements won the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Progress Award and the Ministry of Health Science and Technology Progress Award a number of awards by the Ministry of Education in 2007 the first prize of scientific and technological progress. In 1996 won the title of advanced science workers in Beijing. He is currently the deputy director of the Cerebrovascular Disease Branch of the Chinese Medical Association Neurology Branch, the executive director of Beijing Rehabilitation Medical Association, the vice chairman of the cerebrovascular disease professional committee of China Rehabilitation Medicine Association, the director of Beijing Hypertension Prevention and Treatment Association, Director, China Anti-epilepsy Association executive director and domestic 15 professional academic editorial board.
This paper investigates QR matrix decomposition based successive interference cancellation multiuser detection algorithms in synchronous uplink for code divisio