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CADI(带碳化物的等温淬火球磨铸铁)挖掘机斗齿极具应用前景,采用不同的锻压方式和终锻温度进行了锻压试验,并进行了显微组织、耐磨损性能和力学性能的测试与分析。结果表明,与LT(横向)单向压扁变形相比,LT/ST(高向)交叉压扁变形使CADI挖掘机斗齿的磨损体积减小66%,抗拉强度增加32%,冲击韧性增加50%,伸长率基本不变。随终锻温度从800℃提高至960℃,斗齿的磨损体积先减小后增大,抗拉强度和冲击韧性先增大后减小,伸长率基本不变。CADI挖掘机斗齿的锻压方式优选为LT/ST交叉压扁变形,终锻温度优选为880℃。 CADI (Isothermal Quenched Ball Cast Iron with Carbide) excavator bucket tooth has great application prospects, using different forging and final forging temperature forging test, and the microstructure, wear resistance and mechanical properties of the test and analyse. The results show that the LT / ST (high) cross-flattening deformation reduces the wear volume of the CADI excavator teeth by 66%, the tensile strength by 32% and the impact toughness Increased by 50%, elongation basically unchanged. With the final forging temperature increased from 800 ℃ to 960 ℃, the tooth wear volume first decreased and then increased, the tensile strength and impact toughness first increased and then decreased, the elongation basically unchanged. CADI excavator bucket teeth forging method is preferably LT / ST cross-squash deformation, the final forging temperature is preferably 880 ℃.
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