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<正> 十一届三中全会以来,随着对外开放政策的贯彻执行,我国的技术引进工作有了很大的发展。当前我国除了需要继续引进某些成套设备和关键设备以外,还有为数众多的中小企业正在采取各种形式从国外引进先进技术,以加速现有企业的改造。这是加速我国技术和经济发展的重要步骤。但是,要做好技术引进工作,不仅需要具有经济贸易和技术方面的知识,而且还要掌握有关技术转让的法律知识。为了配合技术引进工作,我们将通过业务讲座
<正> 日本对进口的限制由于日本产业的国际竞争力加强,一般地说也不再惧怕外国产品的竞争;由于日本产业结构的变化,有些制成品转为从国外进口;由于日本和美欧贸易磨擦加剧,不得不进一步开放市场,所以近年来日本开始促进进口,主要是促进制成品进口。这对外国制成品进入日本市场,无疑是一个有利因素。但这并非意味着日本市场已完全开放,实际上仍是有限制的,尤其是对来自发展中国家的进口,限制更多。
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A theoretical basis for the optimization of carbon dioxide injection parameters and the development of the drainage system can be provided by identifying the pe
This paper attempts to optimize optimal capacities, block routing and mine sequencing problems in a mining system. The solution approach is based on a heuristic
In open-pit mines,pit slope as one of the important parameters affects the mine economy and total minable reserve,and it is also affected by different uncertain
In this paper, recovery of silver from anode slime of Sarcheshmeh copper complex in Iran and subsequent synthesis of silver nanoparticles from leaching solution
Adsorption-desorption experiments on CO2-CH4 gas mixtures with varying compositions have been conducted to study the fractionation characteristics of CO2-CH4 on
Ascending mining is one of the most effective ways to solve problems of water inrush, gas outburst and rock burst in coal seams mining. In order to reveal the l
In order to better understand the prevailing mechanism of CO2 storage in coal and estimate CO2 sequestration capacity of a coal seam and enhanced coalbed methan
<正> (一) 在世界性新技术革命中,技术、产品、投资的发展出现了新的变化。在技术领域内,新的技术革新同基础科学紧密结合,新技术推广迅速,给所有经济部门带来了巨大影响,电子、材料、能源、信息、宇航等方面的技术取得了重大突破。在产品领域内,科技进步引起了一系列前所未有的新产品。科学新技术应用于产品开发的过程加快了。在投资领域中,风险资本投资异军突起,加速了新技术向新产品的转化过