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近日,备受瞩目的上海大众全新途观携途观蓝驱版在深圳上市,全新途观此次推出多款车型,分别搭载1,8TSI和2,OTS发动机,配以6挡Tiptronic手自一体变速器及6挡手动变速器。途观蓝驱版则在1,4TSI发动机的基础上配备蓝驱特有的启停节能模式及制动能量回收系统,可有效减少能耗。 Recently, the much-anticipated Shanghai Volkswagen Tiguan Blue Drive Edition was launched in Shenzhen. The new Tiguan launch a variety of models, equipped with 1,8 TSI and 2, OTS engine, respectively, with 6-speed Tiptronic manual transmission and 6 Block manual transmission. Tiguan Blue Drive Edition is based on the 1,4TSI engine equipped with blue drive unique start-stop mode and energy-saving braking system, which can effectively reduce energy consumption.
The adsorption isotherms of caffeine from aqueous solution onto three hydrogen donating adsorbents - hydroxypolystyrene. polystyrene-azo-pyrogallol, and D72 res
则木河断裂带南北分别与安宁河断裂带和小江断裂带相接,自中更新世复活以来,以左旋走滑为主,并成为一条重要的地震断层。据TL和ESR 测年分析,则木河谷地广泛存在的最低一级冲
过去十余年,舒适性逐渐成为时尚界、装饰界乃至工业设计领域的一个重要日标,旧日横亘在私人和公开场合的鲜明界限遭到摒弃去年9月,当苏富比将布鲁克·亚斯特(Brooke Astor)的
The unimolecular dissociation of HCO ground state was investigated with the time-dependent full-quantum symplectic propagation based on the newest potential ene
The vibrational excitations of bent triatomic molecules are studied by using Lie algebra. The RMS error of fitting 30 spectroscopic data is 1.66 cm-1 for SO2. T
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Absorption of phenol, catechol and resorcinol. which vary in their ability to interact with the adsorbent through hydrogen bond, were used to investigate the ad