五年铸就辉煌 长路放飞梦想——“十五”长兴交通实现质的飞跃

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高速公路实现了零的突破过去的5年是长兴县交通建设史上投入最多、规模最大、成效最显著的时期。据统计,5年时间共完成投资28亿余元,超过过去50年的总和。到2005年底,长兴县公路总里程达到了1169公里,并100%实现了等级化,二级以上公路占总里程的22%,高级、次高级路面铺装率达100%。值得一提的是,“十五”期间,继杭宁高速后,2006年10月份通车的申苏浙皖高速公路以及2007年底通车的申嘉湖杭、杭长高速公路正在加紧建设;104、318两条国道经改建后,路面宽阔、绿意盎然、蔚为壮观;长牛线、鹿塘线等干线公路也逐步建成双向四车道二级加宽标准;发源于长兴,有“东方莱茵河”美誉的长湖申航道已建成五级航道,四级提升已进入前期阶段。长兴素有“三古通衢”之称。目前,长兴县拥有高速公路81公里,县以上公路500多公里,航道255公里,长兴已形成了以高速公路、高等级公里连接周边大中城市,次高等级公路连接乡镇的公路网络。随着境内4条高速公路的通车,长兴将成为华东地区 Highway to achieve a zero breakthrough The past five years is the history of Changxing County construction investment in the history of the largest and most significant period of effectiveness. According to statistics, a total investment of 2.8 billion yuan has been completed in the past five years, surpassing the sum of the past 50 years. By the end of 2005, the total mileage of highways in Changxing County had reached 1,169 kilometers, with 100% achieving a level of 22% of the total mileage of roads above the second class and 100% of senior and sub-senior road paving. It is worth mentioning that during the “15th Five-Year Plan” period, following the construction of the Hangzhou-Nanjing Expressway, the Shen-Su-Zhejiang-Anhui Expressway opened to traffic in October 2006 and the Shen-Jia-Hu-Hang and Hang-Chang Expressway opened to the end of 2007 are stepping up their construction; 104, 318 Two State Roads After the reconstruction, the roads are wide and green, spectacular; long lines, Lutang lines and other trunk roads are gradually built two-way four lane two widening standards; originated in Changxing, there are “Oriental Rhine River ”reputation of the long lake route has built five fairways, four upgrade has entered the early stages. Changxing known as “three ancient Tongqu” said. At present, Changxing County has 81 kilometers of expressways, more than 500 kilometers of roads and 255 kilometers of waterways above the county level. Changxing has formed a highway network that connects large and medium-sized cities around the country with highways and high-grade kilometers to secondary towns and highways. With the opening of four expressways in the country, Changxing will become the east China
20 0 0年 6月海军定购了 84部 9/1 0波段发射机 (共 0 .41 2亿美元 )在此以前 1 997年 1 1月签订了 1 2 0部发射机的合同。 9/1 0波段是 2 5年来EA 6B飞机的首次发射机改进。 2