Achievable degrees of freedom of MIMO two-way X relay channel with delayed CSIT

来源 :Science China(Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wcjlb
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The previous work on interference alignment for multiple-input-multiple-output(MIMO) two-way X relay channel assumes perfect channel state information at the transmitter(CSIT), which is reasonable in slow fading channel. However, in fast fading scenario, this assumption is impractical. In this paper, assuming that each node has delayed CSIT, we study the achievable degrees of freedom(DOF) for MIMO two-way X relay channel in frequency division duplex(FDD) systems. Specifically, in the broadcast(BC) phase, we propose a new multiple-stage transmission(MST) scheme, which utilizes retrospective interference alignment for physical layer network coding(PLNC). We show that MST can achieve significant DOF gain and tremendous power gain over other schemes. When the number of antennas for each user, N, is smaller than the number of the relays, M, the time division multiple access(TDMA) scheme can only achieve an ergodic sum-rate increase by N bps/Hz for every increasing of 3 d B of signal-to-noise power ratio(SNR), while the proposed MST scheme can achieve an ergodic sum-rate increase by M bps/Hz. The previous work on interference alignment for multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) two-way X relay channel assumes perfect channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT), which is reasonable in slow fading channel. However, in fast fading scenario, this assumption is impractical. In this paper, assuming that each node has delayed CSIT, we study the achievable degrees of freedom (DOF) for MIMO two-way X relay channel in frequency division duplex (FDD) systems. We suggest a new multiple-stage transmission (MST) scheme, which utilizes retrospective interference alignment for physical layer network coding (PLNC). We show that MST can achieve significant DOF gain and tremendous power gain over other schemes. number of antennas for each user, N, is smaller than the number of the relays, M, the time division multiple access (TDMA) scheme can only achieve an ergodic sum-rate increase by N bps / Hz for every increasing of 3 d B of signal-to-nois e power ratio (SNR), while the proposed MST scheme can achieve an ergodic sum-rate increase by M bps / Hz.
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